Saturday, June 09, 2007

We can thank Harry Potter for helping to weed out the whackos who are working with our kids.

A British teaching assistant is suing an elementary school in London after being disciplined for refusing to listen to a child read a "Harry Potter" book. Sariya Allen told a tribunal she resigned from her post at Durand Primary School after being suspended for "her obstructive conduct over time," the Daily Mail reported Saturday. Allen claims she was "harassed, humiliated and discriminated" against because of her religious beliefs. Her last alleged act of "obstructive conduct" before resigning in 2006 was refusing to listen to a 7-year-old girl read a "Harry Potter" book because she said it was against her Christian faith. Her employers disciplined her after she told the girl "I don't do witchcraft in any form" and said she would be "cursed" by hearing the novel. She is seeking about $100,000 in damages from her former school for religious discrimination.

Isn't it great how believing in Christianity really enhances your enjoyment of pop culture?

The idea that a child can be turned to witchcraft by reading Harry Potter is pretty far fetched.

The idea that witchcraft has anything to do with being anti-Christian is a creation of Christianity not paganism.

The early Christians attacked all other popular beliefs of the time by linking them to Satanism. And those same primitive prejudices survive to this day.

So this teacher is the victim of an ancient anti-religious hate crime, and she does not even know it.

1 comment:

  1. So much for encouraging kids to read...anything!
    It's a frikin story! And movie!

    Good post.
    Blog on!


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