Monday, July 09, 2007

I do not believe in religious signs, but if I did then by God this is one!

A man making a trip from Puerto Rico to South Florida to raise money for his religious education remains hospitalized Monday after he was struck down by a bolt of lightning which flew from clear blue sky on Sunday. He was selling religious materials when he was hit.

I mean come on!

If preachers can get up in front of their parishioners and claim that New Orleans was hit by hurricanes because it is "wicked" then I should be able to stand next to him and claim this guy got struck by lightning because mother nature abhors a fanatic.

It just kills me that religious people believe that God punishes the sinners but when something happens to one of their own they make some excuse about God working in mysterious ways. It is just so damn hypocritical!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still waiting for Pat Robertson to tell us why the people in Oklahoma and Kansas deserved to get flooded. He was quick to jump on New Orleans.


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