Monday, July 09, 2007

Here is an illuminating interview with George Bush in Ireland that was banned here in America.

You can see what a control freak Bush is and how he wants desperately to stick to his rehearsed answers. He gets very frustrated by the interviewers more aggressive approach.

This interview appears to be from November 2006, when Bush still believed that there was going to be a hand off to the Iraqi government that would reduce the amount of violence there.

Of course most of us who were not part of his ass kissing cabinet knew that it would not make any difference at all, but nobody listens to us.


  1. Hi Gryphen, found your blog via 'Next Blog' button. Dubbya, well what can you say? Is there a stronger word for 'embarrassing', 'pathetic'...etc? And he is supposed to be the most powerful man on earth? Is it scary or laughable? History will tell, he says. He can bet it will!

  2. Welcome to my little corner of he "internets". Always nice to meet a fellow blogger.


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