Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Do you believe that the government is closing down a Pentagon program that spied on Americans? You do? And you call yourself a conspiracy theorist.

The Pentagon said Tuesday that it will shut down an anti-terror database that has been criticized for improperly storing information on peace activists and others whose actions posed no threat.

It will be closed on Sept. 17 and information collected subsequently on potential terror or security threats to Defense Department facilities or personnel will be sent by Pentagon officials to an FBI database known as Guardian, according to Army Col. Gary Keck, a Pentagon spokesman.

The program, known as TALON, was created after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and was designed to maintain a base of information on reported potential threats to military facilities and personnel.

Unfortunately the Pentagon seemed to think that anybody who disagreed with the President, or the war strategy,were the same as somebody who wanted to blow shit up. So many odf us got added for having the wrong point of view.

Documents obtained by the ACLU have revealed that the inclusion within the Pentagon's TALON database of traditional and constitutionally protected protest activities was more widespread than previously known. According to a memorandum released to the ACLU, as of February 10, 2006, of the entries deleted from the TALON database, 186 TALON reports involved "anti-military protests or demonstrations in the U.S." The document does not reveal whether any such reports remain in the database, though it does state that approximately 2,821 TALON reports involve what the Department describes as "U.S. person information."

This is your government, using your money, to spy on you and take away your rights. And now the Pentagon will no longer keep those records, the FBI will. Feel any better? Nope me either.

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