Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Iraq Prime Minister Maliki: "We can find our friends elsewhere."

Al-Maliki, on a trip to Syria, reacted harshly when asked about the recent comments from U.S. officials.

"No one has the right to place timetables on the Iraq government. It was elected by its people," he said at a news conference in Damascus at the end of the three-day visit to Syria.

"Those who make such statements are bothered by our visit to Syria. We will pay no attention. We care for our people and our constitution and can find friends elsewhere," al-Maliki said.

Without naming any American official, al-Maliki said some of the criticism of him and his government had been "discourteous."

I am having trouble understanding the logic of an American government that claims that Maliki is a legitimate, duly elected leader of Iraq. And yet when he does not jump through the hoops that they hold up for him they call for him to be replaced.

Somewhat schizophrenic isn't it?

Really the only thing we can threaten him with is the removal of our troops. Which he seems fine with. So I am failing to see the problem, unless you are one of those conspiracy theorists who believe that this war was fought over oil rights. If you are one of those tin hatted fellas you may think that America will not leave until it gets its hands on all of that oil money.

But who thinks like that?

1 comment:

Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.