Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Edwards makes his move!

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, sitting in third place in most national polls and needing a breakthrough performance, led the attack against Clinton, the New York senator enjoying a lead in the polls.

He criticized her for voting earlier in the day in Washington to approve a nonbinding motion calling on the State Department to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard as "a foreign terrorist organization," which Edwards said was a potential first step toward war against Iran.

"I have no intention of giving George Bush the authority to take the first step on a road to war with Iran," Edwards said, pointedly mentioning that two other candidates on stage, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden and Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd, voted against the measure.

Edwards was on fire!

He was smart, articulate, and honest, which by the way is the kind of candidate that I want to vote for in November 2008.

And Hillary was evasive, smarmy, and came across completely false to me. She and Bill Richardson were the least believable candidates on that stage.

We are finally starting to see the chinks in Hillary's armor.

1 comment:

  1. he did a great job on the debate...even though Russert asked lousy questions....oy vey...


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