Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This might actually qualify as real resolution to our problems in Iraq.

US lawmakers voted Wednesday to split Iraq into a loose federation of sectarian-based regions and urged President George W Bush to press Iraqi leaders to agree.

More than 20 Republicans joined Democrats to pass the non-binding measure in the Senate, 75-23, showing frustration in both parties about Bush's war policy and lagging national reconciliation in Iraq.

Supporters of Iraqi partition believe it would let Shia, Sunni and Kurdish factions settle their differences and make it easier for US troops eventually to return home.

But the measure, attached to the 2008 defence budget, runs against US administration policy to keep Iraq united and would likely face a veto if it reached Bush's desk.

Oh Bush will DEFINITELY veto this.

But I am very heartened to see the Republicans starting to see the Iraq situation for what it is, a stifling quagmire which will drag their political careers to their deaths.

1 comment:

  1. really good post...and finally repugs are seeing past what they are told to say....6 years too late..but fianally...


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