Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Here is Keith Olbermann's Special Comment for Nov. 5, 2007

If you have not watched this then please do so. It is Keith at his very best,


  1. he is the best....no doubt about it...bless him....

  2. So nice to have you back on my side of the blogoshere Enigma!

    I also appreciate the support from Lynne, who leaves many nice comments and important links.

  3. I like coming here everday...I told you, that if I don't have my John Stewart and Gryphen- well, my life isn't the same...now....hm,mmmm. I just realized that I don't have John Stewart...that means I might be seeing you more ;-)

    ( hope that is okay....)

    I like seeing Lynne about too...she always has good insights and comments...

  4. Y'all are too kind. (That's South Carolina speak)

  5. "... Bush's latest human echo..."

    I love it. Olbermann is one of my heroes.

  6. and WHY is he single????? ladies should be making him lots of apple pie...and giving him love....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.