Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The topic of whether Bush is the worst President in history is not even open for debate anymore.

For almost two years, President Bush has been threatening to unseat Richard M. Nixon as the most unpopular president in the history of the Gallup poll, and it finally happened this week.

The latest USA TODAY/Gallup survey finds Bush with a 31% approval rating -- and for the first time ever in the polling history, 50% say they "strongly disapprove" of a president.

The previous high (or low?) was a 48% strong disapproval rating for Nixon at the worst moments of Watergate in 1974.

For all of my life Nixon was the political bad guy in my mind. He was the one that scoffed at the law, was consumed with paranoia, and used dirty tricks against his political rivals.

But compared to George W. Bush, he was a freaking saint!

Nixon did not lie to start an unnecessary war.
Nixon did not attempt to keep the citizens of his country scared so that he could steal their freedoms.
Nixon did not encourage his administration to out a covert CIA agent.
Nixon did not keep incompetent people in important cabinet positions because they would do what he wanted without question.

No Nixon was bad, but he was no George W. Bush!


  1. hmmmm, Nixon would not have approved of Bush...he also would have have never enacted any form of punishment on his Enemies List....( ie No Fly List)....Nixon also would be furious that Bush has rolled back ALL of his own Environmental Clean Air and Water laws...Now Nixon was a Secrecy Nut - and also did like spying on people- but he would have never supported the mass NSA spying efforts of this regime...or that over 300,000 are now labeled and put on a terrorist...

  2. ooops my last sentence got up without me finishing my thought....I meant
    300,000 put on a terrorist watch list...

    yeah, Nixon and his gang of crooks was always my measure of evil corrupt leadership....Bush has long go shattered that image..


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