Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Is revolution in the air?

Former Boston University professor and political activist Howard Zinn last night said Americans need to “withdraw our obedience from our government” in response to what he called government deception surrounding modern wars.

“The war on terrorism is a sham,” Zinn said at Morse Auditorium. “Terrorism is an idea that exists all over. You can’t make war on it. If terrorism is the killing of innocent people for some presumed important purpose, then making a war on people is terrorism. War is terrorism. The terrorism of our war in Iraq has killed far, far more people than were killed in the twin towers.”

Zinn said a revolution is the only option Americans have to bring about change and charged his audience of more than 200 to form a “people’s” movement toward a “different world.”

I consider myself to be quite the rabble rouser, and can argue the issues with the best of them.

It pains me to think that we are the point in our country where taking to the streets to form a true revolution is our only option. But I have indeed felt that sense of despair.

NO politician seems capable of stopping the madness that is dragging our nation into the abyss.

I look to Obama with hope, but wonder if he has the strength. I look to Edwards with hope, but wonder if he has the ability to take charge of such a complex situation. I don't look toward Hillary with hope at all.

If we rose up against our government, what would we do next? Who do we have that might be able to take the reins of power? Do you want the job? I don't!

I am in favor of protest.

I am in favor of speaking out.

I am in favor of using the Internet to make as much noise as possible, and organizing our voices to be heard above the din that tries to drown us out.

However, I am not in favor of a revolution.

At least not today.


  1. I know what you mean. Here in the UK the corruption and lies in the Government is at record levels. I can't believe we were duped into going to war in Iraq. If I knew then what I know now about the Iraq situation I would also have been out on the streets demanding the government stands down.
    I pity Americans having George Bush as their leader. He pure and simple just comes across as a complete fool.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. to jaggy I am soo sorry that we have this idiot at the helm....that he hijacked...

    and you gryphen you rabble rouser you....I am grateful to have your voice shouting up there in great Northlands....and I think you have quite a bit of Zinn in you....he would proudly shake your hand....


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