Sunday, December 09, 2007

British Prime Minister tells troops "Merry Christmas! The Iraq war is over"!

Gordon Brown yesterday delivered a stirring festive message to Our Boys in Iraq: “Happy Christmas – war is over.”

The PM was cheered as he praised UK troops and revealed combat operations in Basra will end “within two weeks”.

Iraqi forces will take over as the 4,500-strong British force switches from front-line duties to a training role.

By early next year, our contingent in Southern Iraq will be cut to 2,500 – and may be withdrawn completely in March.

Oh why wasn't I born in the United Kingdom?

We are alone in this nightmare scenario now.

Where is our Christmas miracle?


  1. Blogger just ate my comment! (sigh) I'll try again:

    The difference may be the Brits got in it to support America & maybe get some cheap oil. We are there for the OIL, period (oh, maybe a little armageddon dust-up, too, just to fuel the endtimers).

    Our "Happy Christmas, War is Over" moment may never come, esp with Bush handing out long-term contracts to big oil co's to keep those iraq oil fields pumping (at a vastly increased price, of course). All those deaths just to ensure Exxon/etc profits forever.

    I can't remember what else I said, but I'm sure it was brilliant (grin). I think Blogger hates me today, this is the 3rd time it has eaten one of my comments.

  2. Blogger is a ravenous pig with no self control.

  3. Gordon Brown is struggling for popularity over here just now. While it would be easy to be cynical and say he was only doing this to try and win back some votes I'm going to pass on that and say that he's made the right decision. It is a nightmare scenario over there and I don't see an easy end to it, for either the UK or USA. But maybe this is a glimmer of light at the end of a very long tunnel.
    With a bit of luck, Bush will learn something from this.

  4. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I wish I had been born in Norway.


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