Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christians attack Jews for yelling "Happy Chanukah". Who would protect them? A Muslim that's who. No really!

A suspected bias attack on four Jewish subway riders has resulted in a friendship between the Jewish victims and the Muslim college student who came to their aid.

Walter Adler is calling Hassan Askari a hero for intervening when Adler and three friends were assaulted on a subway train in lower Manhattan on Friday night.

The altercation erupted when Adler and his friends said "Happy Chanukah" to a group yelling "Merry Christmas" on the Brooklyn-bound train.

I think that I have established very effectively in the past that I am not religious. To put it lightly.

But I have to admit that a miracle like this almost makes me believe in God.

Now if I could just decide on which God.

1 comment:

  1. What many Christians, Jews and Muslims refuse to acknowledge is that they worship the same God!

    It is the God of my father, Ibrahim (Abraham, if you like). (I'm Ishmael, get it?)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.