Wednesday, December 12, 2007

George Bush is hating on our kids again.

President Bush vetoed legislation Wednesday that would have expanded government-provided health insurance for children, his second slap-down of a bipartisan effort in Congress to dramatically increase funding for the popular program.

It was Bush's seventh veto in seven years - all but one coming since Democrats took control of Congress in January. Wednesday was the deadline for Bush to act or let the bill become law. The president also vetoed an earlier, similar bill expanding the health insurance program.

Bush vetoed the bill in private.

Seven vetoes in seven years and two of them were to keep children from getting health coverage? My he is a compassionate conservative.

And the coward did it in private too.

I hope that everybody who voted for this giant pile of shit feel overwhelmed with shame every single day.

1 comment:

  1. he did it in private ? wow...another big brave cowboy moment...shithead...


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