Monday, December 10, 2007

Huckabee: "All this country needs is more Jesus".

Government may have dropped the ball in modern American society, but religion dropped it first, Gov. Mike Huckabee told Southern Baptist pastors Sunday night.

"The reason we have so much government is because we have so much broken humanity," he said. "And the reason we have so much broken humanity is because sin reigns in the hearts and lives of human beings instead of the Savior."

"Government knows it does not have the answer, but it's arrogant and acts as though it does," Huckabee said. "Church does have the answer but will cowardly deny that it does and wonder when the world will be changed."

I am always amazed at how well this ridiculous argument works with the bible belt voter.

As if the complexities of our modern world could be solved by an increase in church attendance, and a conversion of the "heathens" in our country. Of which I am obviously one.

Huckabee ignores that fact that it was a devout Christian who brought the country to this unfortunate state. That there are priests that molest children. That there are devout church goers who are caught visiting prostitutes. Or that there are famous televangelists involved in huge scandals involving sex and lavish spending.

In other words the idea that people who are Christians are less likely to do bad things is demonstrably untrue. And the only people who believe that are those who hope that accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts will keep them from doing the "bad things" they feel compelled to do. But it won't.

Simple solutions for simple people.

1 comment:

  1. so I watched the debate today...and what we need is Will Ferrell dressed as Jesus to show up at one of these Gaodawful Debates...wouldn't that be great?

    Moderator:" And Jesus how do you feel about Torture?"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.