Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Iraq's National Security Advisor says "thanks but no thanks" to having permanent American bases in Iraq.

Iraq will never allow the United States to have permanent military bases on its soil, the government’s national security adviser said.

“We need the United States in our war against terrorism, we need them to guard our border sometimes, we need them for economic support and we need them for diplomatic and political support,” Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said.

“But I say one thing, permanent forces or bases in Iraq for any foreign forces is a red line that cannot be accepted by any nationalist Iraqi,” he told Dubai-based al Arabiya television in an interview broadcast late on Monday.

I am not sure that the Bush administation got this memo.

Perhaps we can use that money to fix some of the problems we have around this country for a change.

Universal health care anyone?


  1. What the Iraqis want is irrelevent at this point. We are building permanent bases (as well as an embassy that rivals the Vatican). That was the whole point of the invasion.
    The Iraqis got rid of Saddam and got us. Heckuva trade.

  2. hmm, health care? that would work...some bridges ? some roads? and hell maybe even some education .....oh yeah...

    today bush threw children under the health care bus AGAIN.....cuz oil is much more important...


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