Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New CNN poll says that John Edwards would destroy any Republican opponent in a general election.

On the Democratic side, Edwards performs best against each of the leading Republicans. In addition to beating Huckabee by 25 percent and McCain by 8 percent, the North Carolina Democrat beats Romney by 22 percentage points (59 percent to 37 percent) and Giuliani by 9 percentage points (53 percent to 44 percent).

The poll also points out that ANY Democrat could be ANY Republican if the election were held tomorrow. With exception of John McCain who would beat Hillary, tie Obama, but still lose to John Edwards.

This just provides more weight to my contention that if Obama and Edwards were to combine forces they would walk away with the 08 Presidency.

I still think that Edwards should lead the ticket though.

Obama can have the job in 2016.

Wow I think my heart beat a little faster for a moment there. Can you imagine having these two running our country for the next 16 years? What do you think America would look like then? Could we be proud of our country again? I am betting everything that America would be the greatest country in the world, and we would not be the only ones calling ourselves that either.


  1. I saw that poll on Hardballs tonight. Amazing. Third man down (way down, which had me quite dispirited) in dem primary polls is polling highest against any repub. I was especially impressed with Edwards' great showing against Romy & Hucky, the religiosos. Yes! if Obama & Edwards could somehow team up, they would be unstoppable!

  2. I was feeling so good about that poll, I just did a post on it, too.


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