Friday, March 21, 2008

FOX, MSNBC, and CNN, all misrepresented Jeremiah Wrights sermon on 9-11. Take the time to listen to the whole thing, then make a judgement.

My take is that this is a passionate, articulate, intelligent man who was preaching compassion and empathy to his congregation.

He was not a hate monger! And calling him that could not have been further from the truth.

Those news outlets should be ashamed of themselves. Especially FOX News which is still airing the truncated footage.

Update: Here is a website where you can find many of the full speeches that were cherry picked by FOX News and others.

You know I just had a terrible thought.

I am certain that Obama KNEW that his pastor's words had been misrepresented. But he also knew that the public attention span was not long enough for him to play them in their entirety by way of explanation. So he decided, and I am sure he had the full support of Reverend Wright, to reject his friend and supporter for the good of the campaign. I can barely imagine how much that must have pained him.


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Thanks for the post and the links. I figured there had to be more to the story, Fox always lies.

  2. as I said over at Watergate...
    Anderson Cooper took the time to look at the speechs too...we really need to hit Youtube and Find some GOOD ones....that show how real he is...or maybe it is too late...I don't know..

    We should be pissed at Billy Boy Clinton tonight -
    and his patriotic crapola speech today- you did see it right?

  3. Thanks for posting this- it is really helpful...I will tell Christopher to come over too..

    I don't think Obama Knew ALL the sermons ...I think he knew that his pastor was firey....I used to go to Church downtown....if anyone lives near a Black Baptist Church- I encourage you to go- it is quite an experience...exciting..but very different...and not is emotional..passionate...soulshaking...

  4. Thanks for the great blog.
    (Friend of Enigma)

  5. The comments of Wright mirror in ways those of Hagee and Falwell in they have all said for different reasons God is going to Damn America for their actions.

    The difference is Hagee and Falwell say it is because of abortion.

    Why aren't we hearing their comments day and night like we have to see the clip of Wright?

  6. Exactly, Larry. Why is it fine for Falwell and the like to say we earned 9/11 events because of liberalism, the ACLU, the condoning of homosexuality, etc.? I haven't been able to figure that one out either!

  7. oh good Lydia and Larry came over...wonderful....


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