Saturday, March 22, 2008

CBS Poll shows Obama speech made positive impact.

Of those polled 69% said that Obama did a good job, while 20% disagree.

Of all of those polled about whether they agree with Barack Obama on race relations 63% agree and 25% disagree.

If you poll just the Democrats it is 73% who agree to 16% in disagreement.

Among Independents it breaks down to 65% in agreement and 25% who are not.

But check out the Republicans. 43% agree with Barack and 39% don't. What does that tell you about the party that is predominantly white Christian males?

As to the question of whether Obama did a good job of explaining Reverend Wright's comments 71% say yes, while 24% disagree.

And to the question of whether the Pastor Wright kerfuffle will make them more or less likely to vote for Obama:
14% said more likely.
14% said less likely.
But 70% said it made no difference.

That is very good news for Obama.

And in my opinion if people take the time to visit YouTube and watch these speeches in their entirety the positive numbers will increase. This poor man was horribly misrepresented by the media and it is the public's duty to find out the truth for themselves, because you certainly will not get it from any MSM news outlets.

1 comment:

  1. new Gallup poll out tonight shows him with a lead too...again....

    take that Clintonista Campaign...


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