Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary Clinton is a liar!

Yes I know that is a controversial headline but I also think it is completely accurate.

And the lie that I am talking about is the lie she has told multiple times in the past about this harrowing landing in Bosnia that she endured while she was the First Lady.

She tells a tale, now refuted, of landing under sniper fire and running for cover. She claims that there was not a welcoming party, though we have video showing there was, and that she was wearing bullet proof "stuff", which she wasn't.

Here is the video:

But here is my question which nobody else has asked yet.

If Hillary was not wearing a bulletproof vest and running for cover when she landed in Bosnia, then when did she have to do that? As one pundit has said "If Hillary were really dodging sniper fire, every news agency would have reported it."

So my question is, when did Hillary land in a hostile country and have to wear a bulletproof vest and run for cover? If she simply got the date and country wrong, well that is an unfortunate mistake but we can forgive her. But if no such incident EVER occurred then she made the entire thing up and that is unforgivable.

That would make Hillary a liar.

So Hillary my question to you is "Did an incident like this really take place? Or are you a liar?"


  1. THE INCIDENT was very similiar to a Madeline Albright Story....DK remembered it....

    ( Nice huh- stolen story used as a Lie.....)

    I blogged on it too....had to...really pissed me off....

  2. Anonymous1:00 AM

    I have to speak out! Hillary is a lying, cheating, scandal ridden piece of trash. No government in the world will deal with such a despicable piece of trash. The audacity of the Clinton's to insult the intelligence of the American public! How dare you treat us like mindless idiots. For goodness sake Bill you adultery ridden joke ... you were IMPEACHED! What makes you think that your lying trash, gold digging wife has the right to run this country? Get the hell out of here, really, get out. Revelations says it best....the harlot will be cast out of the world and into hell. That is where Hillary belongs. I can't believe she lied - out right to the American public! Liar! Liar!
    We will not forget this. Misstatement my butt, you are a liar. A liar! Shame on you for showing your filthy face in public.

  3. No, no, don't hold back.

    Tell us how you really feel.

  4. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Did you hear the latest reported on 4-7-08 .
    Hillary has been saying that a pregnet women had been turned away from a hospital because of lack of insurance . She later died according to Clinton .
    The hospital gave out a statement that there is no truth to this and that the had never been turned away . Clinton was trying to make a point about her health care plan . This is same plan the Clintons used as a platform 12 years ago. This plan never happend .


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