Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ohio to do a partial recount to look for irregularities. I know somebody who is going to be very happy.

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner plans a first-of-its-kind audit of votes from the March 4 presidential primaries, saying the outcome should help ensure the integrity of future elections.

Brunner is calling on 11 counties to volunteer for the audit, in which at least 7 percent of the votes cast in each county would be rechecked by hand.

This post is for my very good friend Enigma over at Watergate Summer who worked tirelessly for Obama during Ohio's primary and whose heart was broken when her state went for Hillary.

Enigma was convinced there was some wrong doing and it looks like her suspicions are going to be vindicated.

You know sometimes we conspiracy theorists actually uncover conspiracies. Remember that the next time you decide to lump us altogether as crazies with too much time on our hands.


  1. ahhhh G-man ...I would give you a BIG hug were you here in the Seamy Ohio Valley...thank you for posting this...
    I tell ya' there was funny business....real shenigans...

  2. I know you did darlin, and I never once doubted you.


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