Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bush appoints butt monkey General Petraeus to Centcom to replace retiring Admiral Fallon who discovered that he had integrity.

Reaffirming his status as his generation's most respected general officer, David H. Petraeus was nominated today to head U.S. Central Command (Centcom), the command responsible for all U.S. military operations in the Middle East. The move puts the U.S. military's premier advocate, theorist and practitioner of counterinsurgency operations -- once shunned by a Vietnam-stung military -- at the helm of the military's most important regional command.

Petraeus has shown that there is no task that George Bush can ask him that is too unethical for this man to take on.

Lie about our progress in Iraq? Done.

Lie about Iran's involvement in insurgent attacks? Done.

Take over Centcom so that we can finally invade Iran? Done, done, done.

The interview that I want to read is the one form ex-Centcom commander Admiral fallon. Now that should be a very enlightening piece of journalism.


  1. I forget, is a butt monkey the one who throws poo or eats poo? (grin)

    Adm Fallon was correct that Petraeus is a real suck-up. Bush had to go through many gen'ls before he finally found one that doesn't even blink. He might as well be a robo-burgerordertaker at McD's, but come to think of it, even they question you if you try to order something they know they can't do.

  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I don't know if you ever read Alterman, but he has a guest blogger, LTC Bateman who has an interesting and personal take on the military.

    He makes some interesting points about Fallon and the relationship between military and civil authorities.
    Link is below.

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Very nicce!


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