Tuesday, April 22, 2008

If Hillary thinks this is a win she is sadly mistaken. This is a tie!

Clinton's 54% to Obama's amazing 46% shows just how strong Barack's candidacy has become.

The Reverend Wright kerfuffle does no damage.

The misrepresentation of his remarks about religion and guns has no effect.

The "Rezko scandal" makes nary a ripple in his popularity.

Pennsylvania was supposed to be Obama's Waterloo. Hillary was going to crush him by 20 points.

Obama remains "uncrushed". Obama remains unflappable. Obama remains firmly in the lead.

This was a tie. Hillary will get a small smattering of additional delegates and it will change nothing!

If this has to be called as a victory for anybody then it must be called as a victory for Obama.

He rose above the expectations to show that he is the real thing.

Nothing will stop his nomination. And nothing will stop him from becoming the next President of the United States.

Update: The numbers are now Clinton 55% to Obama's 45%. I still do not consider this a Hillary victory. Not a decisive one at least.


  1. If you watched her "victory" speech tonight, you would really have to question her supporter's sanity. How much chanting of "yes, she can" or "yes, she will" can anyone take?

    I agree, this was no victory, just a bump in the road on the way to the WH. A bump in a pantsuit!

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    It was a tie for one contest, but a defeat for the overall nomination.

  3. Be sure to watch Jon Stewart tonight....omg ..he nails it - every last ugly biggotted spec of her campaign...

  4. Hah, just saw it, Enigma. Grapes of Wrath! And yeah, only the votes for her highness count.

    ps, did you notice every one of those chinese characters above is a link? what happens if you click on any of them, I wonder. must.control.urge...


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