Saturday, June 28, 2008

Empty gestures and political slight of hand.

Hillary spokesperson Mo Elleithee confirms to me that Bill and Hillary Clinton have now maxed out to Obama, donating $4600 to his campaign today.

It's a strong signal to the Clinton fundraising elite and donor base that the time has come to open the wallets for Obama. It comes a day after the Obamas similarly maxed out to Hillary's campaign to relieve it of debt.

Are you thinking to yourself, 'Hey that sounds familiar but I thought it was the other way around?"

You are right, it was: Sen. Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, each donated $2,300 Thursday to the campaign of his former opponent, Sen. Hillary Clinton, which is millions of dollars in debt.

So essentially the Obama's and Clinton's traded back the same $4,600.00 for political reasons.

To manipulate our emotions.

Obama gave money to Clinton so that his donors would help pay down her debt. And then the Clinton's gave it back so that her supporters would send money to Obama.

Does that sound as ridiculous to you as it does to me?

I mean if Hillary has such great donors why don't they pay off her debt? And if Obama needed her donors why does he have so damn much money?

This entire thing is clumsy political theatre and I have no idea who it fools but whoever they are they may not be smart enough to check the right box during the election anyhow. Just how dumb is the average American anyhow.

1 comment:

  1. how much did she bring in MAy? they have never said...

    Mc- 21 milll
    and Obama was 22 mill...

    because at the beginning of May her debt was 22 what was it the end of that month:?

    ( if you find out let me know)


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