Saturday, June 28, 2008

Garry Trudeau feels the Obama bloggers pain.

I am not technically an Obama blogger. I am not aware of an effort to organize bloggers into supporting Obama and I would not join it if there were.

But as anybody who visits here frequently can easily surmise I am an freelance Obama supporter, though not one who has his eyes closed to the man's faults. And those faults will be addressed here right alongside his many attributes.

Seeing my idol Garry Trudeau addressing Obama bloggers is pretty amazing and I feel honored to have even the smallest connection to his subject matter.

I started reading Doonesbury when I needed reading material to take with me on the plane as I flew to attend college. I simply chose a handful of Doonesbury pocket books and laughed all the way to Hawaii. (I am sure the other passengers thought I had lost my mind.)

I was hooked after that and now have a huge collection of Doonesbury comic strip books.

Hell I even named my cat "Doonesbury".

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