Saturday, June 14, 2008

Humans and dinosaurs may be sharing the planet in the future. Hey maybe the Flintstones was a documentary!

It poses the question: will scientists ever be able to resurrect the dinosaur?

According to Jack Horner, professor of palaeontology at Montana State University, the answer is an unequivocal yes.

He says: ‘Of course we can bring them back to life. Their ancestral DNA is still present.
'The science is there. I don’t think there are any barriers, other than the philosophical.’

I have watched "Jurrassic Park" at least twenty times and all I have to say is the it never ends well for the humans. Not once.

But having said that I will be the first guy in line to see the new dinosaur exhibit at the San Diego zoo. And I know I will certainly not be the only one.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen the dinosaur exhibit at the san diego zoo. well actually it was The Wild Animal Park which is owned & operated by the SDZoo. You walk down a little green leafy pathway lulled by the tropical beauty & buzzing insects when all of a sudden, you round a corner & HOLY SHIT there is a full-size animated TRex looking right at you, lowering his head & bellowing like a bull. Even a brief contemplation of his slavering mouth of teeth is scary. No way do I want to see dinosaur DNA & it's not just for "philosophical" reasons ... unless you count scared shitless as a philosophy. Besides, I don't want Ken Hamm & the BS Creation Museum to think they were right all along.


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