Sunday, September 07, 2008

It looks like Sarah Palin has finally been cornered by the press.

Gov. Sarah Palin will sit down with ABC News' Charlie Gibson for her first interview since winning the Republican vice presidential nomination, the network's news division confirmed today.

Well I wish it was somebody beside Gibson, who is known for lobbing softballs at Republicans, doing this interview. But you know that is probably why they chose him and ABC. Both NBC and CBS would have made her look like an idiot.

Hopefully he realizes that the whole world is watching and that if he gives her a walk the blogs and other news media will crucify him.

I know I sure as hell will!


  1. Too bad it isn't Keith or Rachel.

    Charles Gibson will ask her about her favorite recipes and what she plants in her garden.

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I heard the same news today...but not til later this week. It will take a few days for the Bush-Rove teams to draft up the questions that Gibson will be allowed to ask her & feed her the answers she will be allowed to give.

  3. I guarandamnteeya that they are preping the questions and ABC is looking to play nice with McCain. This is so fucking sickening it is not even funny.

    If they steal this election I swear I am gonna leave the country. I am sick and damn tired of the lies that the rethugs get away with.

  4. Anonymous5:46 PM

    And after they steal the election Palin will arrange for Cheney & McCain to go moose hunting together...God help us all!!!

  5. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Why leave? Why not stand up? Why not revolution?

  6. Again with the anonymous! Why leave? Why not stand up? Why not revolution?

  7. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Well, she needs to answer some questions for the american people. We all know the "October surprise" is a "miscarriage" for Bristol on or just before the VP Debate. If Bristol has a "miscarriage" Levi won't have to marry her and Sarah can blame the MSM. Perfect Rove tactic.

  8. Anonymous8:01 PM

    If she represents "change" McCain style, why is it that she is being briefed on foreign affairs by Bush folks?

    As a mother- one who has worked throughout my entire motherhood- and as a frequent Alaska Airlines passenger (I live in Seattle) I want to ask what the hell kind of judgement this woman has to get on a plane for a 10 or 12 hour flight- best scenario with no delays- after her water has broken and she is about to deliver a special needs child. This is NOT sexist- I am thinking if I had been on the flight and it had to be diverted (and disrupt scheduled flights) to accomodate some wingnut's fixation with only delivering in Alaska- I would have been PISSED!

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    If she was faking it she wasn't risking anything. But I do wonder what would have happened if Bristol had gone into labor while Mom was in Texas being "preggers." My guess is that Mom would fly and drive all night to get to the hospital where Bristol was delivering. Just a thought.


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