Monday, November 24, 2008

Fixing Alaska politics one corrupt bastard at a time.

As the whole country is now aware there has been a very dramatic change in Alaskan politics.

What the casual observer may not be aware of is what has been happening behind the scenes. Though if you are a dedicated reader of Alaska blogs you probably have some idea as to what is happening just beneath the spongy Alaska political tundra. And good for you for staying informed.

When Sarah Palin was gallivanting across the US of A giving the world a Bizarro version of the typical Alaskan, we spoke up and held the biggest rally in Alaska history, to stand up for Walt Monegan who was the first of many that our Governor threw under the bus.

When the Alaska Legislature was meeting behind closed doors and trying to decide if they should release the Branchflower Report concerning "Troopergate" we encouraged our readers to call them and e-mail them until they simply had no choice but to let Alaskans see a report that their tax dollars had paid for. As one legislator commented "Maybe I'll be able to get through my inbox again."

When Mark Begich was trailing convicted felon Ted Stevens by over 2000 votes, a number of us blogged our brains out to make sure our election received the scrutiny of the world. Miraculously Mark Begich emerged victorious with almost 4000 more votes then the much revered Ted Stevens. Coincidence? Okay let's call it a coincidence.

There is still much work to do. Our legislature will reconvene in January and they are going to need some "inspiration" as to which issues are the most important for truth seekers in Alaska, we also have an Attorney General who violated our ethics laws by encouraging state employees to ignore subpoenas, and of course the consistently entertaining (but still dangerous) Governor Sarah.

That is just what is on the table right now. In the future we are hoping to tackle election reform, investigations into corruption, bold alternative energy policies, and anything else that we believe Alaskans feel passionately about.

What can you do to help? Well thank you for asking. We cannot do this without the assistance from supporters of truth all over the country.

Take a minute to visit our Alaskans for Truth website. There you find our "call to action", various e-mail addresses of Alaskan legislators you can contact, and a big yellow donate button.

We appreciate all of the support that we received from all of you in the past and hope that you will continue to support our efforts in the future. If you have been angered and disappointed that your voice has not been heard, or if you have felt you could not make a difference, well now you can. Even donating a small amount will have a large impact up here where media is cheap and every voice has an opportunity to be heard. Together we can make dramatic changes, and the proof of that can be seen by what has been accomplished thus far.

This blogger is not just committing his time and energy, I have also made a sizable donation just to get the ball rolling. I believe in this cause and will give nothing but 100% to make sure that we are victorious. And with your help I am sure we will be.

Thank you very much for your support.


  1. Maybe Alaska can show the rest of the country what democracy looks like.

  2. We will do our very best Lynne. We will do our best.

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I wish that we could get justice for son in the Alaska Guard. The two Generals, Campbell and Kacass are as corrupt as they come and reward their cronies who are inferior officers and have done vile acts. The hard working, ethical Guardsmen get passed over or retaliated against if they speak out. They have retaliated against our son because he did the right thing and has integrity. Those two Generals should be investigated but instead make jokes about getting away with unethical standards. Will someone please listen and do something.

  4. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Good luck on ever getting justice on those Generals. Sarah Palin has given them leave way to do anything they want. They use it to the max. If the folks would send in e-mails to the Governor's office about this perhaps she would do something. However, when it comes to General Campbell, she will ignore anything negative no matter what a bastard he is.

  5. Anonymous7:52 PM

    To the Alaska Guard Generals: We all know that "The System" is unforgiving of those who speak truth to power. The parents who want justice for their son are TRUTH and you are POWER. The higher up the guilty stand, the less likely the injured party will see justice. Why can't you do the right and moral action unless you are bigger jerks than I thought.

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I am really riled up about these Alaska National Guard Generals Campbell and Kacass. These guys have no integrity and we've become so used to their lies, cover up and corruption that we just go along--hum de dum. Call me a nut case, but I know ethics really matters and I know you citizens do also. Power rules over truth in this Guard as we discovered with our son. However, we will get justice no matter what it takes.


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