Sunday, November 23, 2008

George Bush is "very pleased" with the Iraq war. It looks like Bush may be drinking again.

US President George W. Bush believes the Iraq war was a success and is "very pleased" with what is happening there, he said in a pre-recorded interview broadcast on a Japanese television network Sunday.

"I think the decision to remove Saddam Hussein was right," Bush told the Sunday Project programme of the private Asahi network.

Saddam was an enemy of the United States and a lot of people thought he had weapons of mass destruction, Bush said, adding "remarkable" progress had been made in Iraq since the late dictator was toppled in 2003.

"People have been able to take their troops out of Iraq because Iraq is becoming successful. I'm very pleased with what is taking place there now," he said, adding there still is "a lot of work" to be done.

"We are bringing troops home because of the success in Iraq. But Iraq is not yet completely safe.

"So there will be a US presence for a while there at the request of the Iraqi government," he said.

"A lot of people thought he had weapons of mass destruction"?

The only reason "a lot of people thought he had weapons of mas destruction" is because George Bush and his criminal administration told everybody that was true! The rest of the world was simply responding to the information provided by the Bush administration. If you have any doubts about that then I direct you to read about the Downing Street Memos.

The facts are that we were lied to by our government and that over a million Iraqis and thousands of Americans died for nothing. Nothing.

Those are the facts. And no matter how George Bush and his neo-con butt buddies try to twist the facts they will never really change them.

It is my fervent desire that the Democratic Congress and President Obama launch a REAL investigation into what REALLY happened in the run up to the war, in the conduct of that war, and what deals they profited from since the war.

Americans deserve the truth and it is up to those of us who witnessed this debacle to make sure that the truth is preserved and not simply swept under the carpet by future text book writers funded by neo-con revisionists who want to create a fairy tale out of an ugly reality.


  1. Hello? All your friends like Bill Clinton and John Kerry where on board with the idea Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They had access to all the intelligence, so don't argue they were taken in by Busch lies. Those soldiers died for this country, not for nothing. You can disagree with the war, but don't tell the families of dead soldiers they died in vain. The only person on record as lying directly to the American people is Bill Clinton.


  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Clinton and Kerry wasn't the president when we went in. At the end of the day, it was neocons who pushed for the war and it was under Bush's watch. There will always be wars, but make sure it's the right war. We should have all our resources in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Bush made a bad call and history will show him to be a walking fool puppet, controlled by people more intelligent than him. Bush is just the fall guy for the neocons.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.