Friday, December 26, 2008

The day after Christmas news roundup and mental meandering post.

So here it is the day after Christmas 2008.

I got up this morning with a truly horrific headache (Obviously too much wine), and a blanket of new fallen snow covering my neighborhood. (This is a picture of my Obama sign, and my office window just this morning. More on that later.)

A quick perusal of the internet tells me that my city has taken a serious financial hit due to the poor economy, Eartha Kitt (Catwoman) has died, and that Santa went on a murderous rampage yesterday.

All in all not a very festive end to Christmas.

So I thought I would focus instead on the positive.

For instance I was finally able to talk to my daughter yesterday on her brand new I-Phone (Yes her father loves her very much), where I was informed that she was on her way to the movies (big surprise) and that ALL of her friends were jealous of her new phone and wished that I was their daddy. Hee hee!

And on Christmas eve I was out shoveling the snow that had fallen the night before and happened to strike up a conversation with my very attractive next door neighbor, who informed me that seeing my Obama sign always made her day (I told you I would get back to the sign later) as her husband was a conservative hard liner and would not even let her talk about Obama in their house. She then moved close and whispered that if I ever needed anybody to work on any progressive issues to let her know and she would LOVE to help.

I am pretty sure I will be able to find something for her to do. (Sometimes working for the Democrats here in town is like being a member of the French resistance in World War 2.) It is always nice to be able to recruit a new person into the Alaska progressive movement.

I have been checking everyday since the 20th and so far there is no blessed event reported from the Palin household. Which has caused even those with less conspiratorial minds to start asking WTF? I will immediately post any news on the subject.

Well I think my meanderings are over for this morning. I hope all of you had the bestest Christmas ever! I also hope that this next year is full of pleasant surprises, overdue justice, and prayers finally answered for so many whose faith had been sorely tested for these last eight years.

And also, thank you for visiting here in my little corner of the blogoshere. I have had so many kind, supportive comments from people over this last year that I have felt truly blessed. Many of you stuck it out with me during the long campaign days and nights, followed with me as we unraveled the mysteries of Sarah Palin, and helped me to celebrate our amazing victory as Barack Obama was named our President-elect.

So thank you very much for making a visit to the Immoral Minority a daily event, and I will continue to bring you breaking news, humorous observations, and rampaging rants all through 2009.



  1. I hope you signed up for insurance covering your daughter's new iPhone, Gryphen. :)

    If she's anything like my nephew, she'll lose/drown it/smash it about 4 times over in the next year or 2.

  2. FREE Streaming TV Shows, Movies, Music (over 6 million digital quality tracks), Unlimited Games, Money, and FREE College Educations (Stanford, Oxford, Notre Dame and more) @ 

  3. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I hope you don't get too "progressive" (if ya know what I mean) with the very attractive neighbor, if the hubby's still in the picture.

    Merry Christmas.


  4. Anonymous11:08 PM

    A belated Merry Christmas to you!

    Or as they say in the French Resistance, "Joyeux Noel!"

  5. Thanks to all of you for both visiting and taking the time to comment.

    Especially my fellow French Resistance fighter AKM.

    Viva la Alaska!


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