Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sherry Johnston's "Hillbilly Heroin" business suffered due to increased media surrounding her friend, and soon to be in-law, Sarah Palin.

An affidavit, prepared by the Alaska State Troopers, says Johnston repeatedly sold OxyContin using text messages to direct customers to department store parking lots where they paid and she delivered. But in one message, according to the affidavit, Johnston complained that unusual media and other public attention was cramping her business:

"Hey, my phones are tapped and reporters and god knows who else is always following me and the family so no privacy," Johnston wrote in a text message to a customer. (And yet that did not stop her?)

Johnston is charged with six counts of misconduct involving a controlled substance -- essentially sale and possession.

The affidavit says she "did admit to selling her Oxycontin pills to (an informant)."

The affidavit, dated Dec. 22, details how troopers used two informants to collect evidence that Johnston sold OxyContin on Oct. 11, Oct. 22 and Nov. 26. The informants had been arrested themselves on a drug charge and agreed to help trap Johnston.

Trooper-supervised buys were set up by cell phone text messages and took place in Target and Fred Meyer parking lots. On each occasion, troopers charge, she got $800 for 10 pills.
Troopers say that in the text messages, Johnston used the code words ''coffee'' and ''cup'' for OxyContin.
(Didn't the press often report that Sarah went for "coffee" several times a day? I am just asking.)

"... there's only so many times I can go for coffee a month. The rest of the time I need to have it at home!" read one message. Troopers said this meant Johnston was willing to sell only so many pills each month and the rest she would keep for her own use.

The affidavit refers to Johnston being under Secret Service protection while dealing drugs, but that appears to be incorrect.

Special Agent Darrin Blackford, spokesman for the Secret Service in Washington, D.C., said that only the governor and her immediate family were protected. Johnston was not under the agency's protection or surveillance, he said.

Troopers later agreed that part of the affidavit was wrong.

"Whenever she was in contact with Palin, that was probably the only time it came into play," said trooper spokeswoman Beth Ipsen. (So nice to know that my tax dollars helped to protect this drug dealer whenever she was around the Governor of my state. And yet we are expected to believe that Sarah Palin had NO idea this was happening?)

Abuse of OxyContin, often called "hillbilly heroin" and a highly addictive drug, has been on the rise in the country and in Alaska in recent years, according to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.

Behold conservatives! This is the family that surrounds your "Conservative of the Year". I am not usually one to do that whole "guilt by association thing", but damn when you add this to the "Troopergate" kerfuffle, the "Babygate" scandal, and the lies that Palin has been repeatedly caught telling, then the picture you get of this woman, and her family, becomes pretty clear.

And it ain't pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The thought occurs to me that Bristol Palin's child is going to have a tough time of it, given the genetic material it's been bequeathed.


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