Monday, December 22, 2008

GOP faithful still pinning their hopes on Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin lost the election, but to many, her light hasn't dimmed.

In fact, the Alaska governor, with her sassy, frontier-woman image and rock-ribbed, right-of-center politics, has become the repository for the hopes and dreams of conservative Republicans across the nation. Even here in liberal Connecticut, she has a devoted circle of fans.

"Most politicians say what they think people want them to say," said Melita Motherway, a 46-year-old mom and engineer from southeastern Connecticut. "She's different. She absolutely practices what she preaches."

As they set about restoring the shine to the national GOP's tarnished brand, many Republicans have seized upon Palin as the one who will lead them back to the win column, and help them endure the Barack Obama years.

"The Republican Party has lost its way," said James Bailey Brislin, a 24-year-old party activist from Enfield. "It became dominated by D.C. insiders who are completely out of touch with what's going on in Enfield, Connecticut. … Sarah Palin is who we need moving forward."

After I first read this article I was left virtually speechless. These people seem to have deified Sarah Palin in the same way that some Democrats deified Barack Obama.

Those Democrats were wrong, as many are now learning, and the Republicans who are doing the same to Palin are unbelievably wrong.

The idea that Sarah Palin is ANYTHING but a politically opportunistic chameleon should have been napalmed by her performance during the John McCain campaign. She completely changed her entire personality to fit what the campaign asked her to be. As one Alaskan recently pointed out, since returning to Alaska she has even shed herself of that weird "Fargo" accent she had adopted while on the campaign stump.

The funny thing is that now with Alaskans finally learning who Sarah Palin really is, and being quite disappointed, the rest of the country is being suckered in by the manufactured image far more effectively then even we were. I have to say that is frightening.

Now the argument can be leveled that there were a number of liberals who believed that Obama could walk on water, and that certainly is true. But for most of us, we always knew he is just a man, but we BELIEVED he was the perfect man for our current situation. For myself at least that trust has not been reduced at all. He has done things that I do not 100% agree with, but I always knew that he would. However his intellect and compassion are still very much in evidence and I still retain my hope for the future of America.

Now Sarah Palin, on the other hand, has been dramatically reduced in stature to many Alaskans.

Her gas pipeline plan is in serious trouble, her ethics are still under attack, and the drama of her family is still making headlines around the world. All in all Sarah Palin, from our perspective at least, is the last person on whom to be pinning the hopes of an entire political party.

Now speaking only as a partisan I would say, keep right on believing! Sarah Palin in 2012 sounds like a jim dandy idea!

But if I were speaking as a friend I would say, surely there must be a stronger, more ethical, more intelligent candidate that the Republicans can pick. For if there is not then I truly believe we are witnessing the end of the Republican party as we know it. And I am not at all sure that is a bad thing.


  1. yeah, but look at it this way....a year ago these were the same assholes that were enthralled with Fred Thompson....

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Wow it's amazing anyone could question 'ethics' of Sarah Palin (I can't think of one thing she's done to cause that) when they have openly elected slime from the cesspool of Chicago as their president!

    She is a woman of high accomplishment, excellent ethics and morals (bad cops who threaten people's lives for no reason SHOULD be fired) and is honest and trustworthy.

    When one looks at the clowns that your illegal president has surrounded himself with, criminals all, one wonders just how long the USA will survive under the Constitution.

    Your continued attacks on the wonderful Palin prove she's a threat to you, the definitely immoral but barely majority.



  3. Palin was a huge mistake...she was just not ready or quick enough on the uptake to learn the ins and outs of national politics and come up with a consistent or knowlegeable message off the cuff. She could not communicate with the press at all.

    Obama has been carefully consistent, but I hope to see him take a few risks to fulfill his campaign promises.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The Sherry Johnston arrest has made headlines around the nation...even CNN did a blurb about it this morning. I thought it was funny that they keep mentioning the Bristol is due any day now...yeah, we'll see about that!

    Sarah Palin put herself out there as a political role model from a "real" "pro" America small town which turns out to be nothing more than a drug infested cesspool. Please let her run in 2012...she single handedly brought McCain down, and I can't even wait until her fellow Republicans get to go at her in the primaries...bring it on!

  5. Signing this petition made me feel so good!!

  6. I think Sarah Palin as the republican party candidate is a grand idea -- she will bankrupt the republican party with her clothing and makeup costs, Saturday Night Live will have lots of material to write some great skits throughout the campaign, and I'm so ready for 8 years of Obama!

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "But if I were speaking as a friend I would say, surely there must be a stronger, more ethical, more intelligent candidate the the Republicans can pick."

    I sure can't think of any at the moment though. Republicans gave us Richard Nixon, Reagan, Bush the elder, and 'shrub', Karl Rove, Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney. All of them are, or were a bunch of crooks.

  8. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Palin is just not what America needs at this time in history. She probably would have been a more succesful candidate in 1950.
    America cannot afford to alienate millions of its' citizens to satisfy the needs/wants of a few.

  9. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Sarah is just one of a number of excellent conservatives that will be able to dethrone the chosen one in 2012.

    The great thing about Sarah is she has been successful without the help of the feminist in this country who have done more damage to America than any terrorist. And that is why she is so hated by "progressive" womyn.

  10. Anonymous9:51 PM

    We need women to run this country.
    Sarah Palin has no qualifications that I see that are necessary to attain the presidency.
    She had to hire a city manager while mayor of Wasilla and left them with a hugh debt.

    Her ethics are questionable in many areas and she stretches the truth enough that I call it lying.

    People are watching from out of state to see how she handles the budget and her family issues.
    If she is going to hold herself up as a moral upstanding Christian, then she needs to act like one.

  11. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Notalib needs to get a life...are you from, troll, run! Sarah Palin is the best thing to happen to the democratic party in decades.

  12. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Just a comment for those who don't remember the Republican party of the 50's and early 60's - as a lifelong Democrat I STILL admire Nelson Rockefeller, Barry Goldberg, Everett Dirksen others like them who, while I often disagreed with their policy beliefs, were on the whole honest, diligent, uncorrupted patriots. The trouble with today's Republicans is that they IGNORE their roots. Environmentalists - like TR or GW Bush? Defenders of the nation - Like Lincoln or Cheney? C'mon, guys. Drop Palin and look for somebody in your great tradition.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.