Sunday, December 21, 2008

Shoe thrown at George Bush is big seller in Iraq.

When television reporter Muntazer al-Zaidi lodged the grave insult of hurling his black leather Oxford shoes at President Bush during his final visit on December 14, the world heard "This is a farewell kiss!" Turkish shoemaker Ramazan Baydan also heard the sound of a cash register opening.

"We’ve been selling these shoes for years but, thanks to Bush, orders are flying in like crazy," Baydan said.

Orders for the "Bush Shoe," formerly known as Ducati Model 271, are coming in to Baydan Ayakkabicilik San. & Tic. from around the world. 15,000 pairs are currently being made for sale in Iraq in addition to 95,000 destined for Europe and 18,000 to be sold in the United States. Advertising posters with the slogan "Goodbye Bush, Welcome Democracy" are being distributed in Turkey and the Middle East.

"We have been producing that specific style, which I personally designed, for 10 years," Baydan said, "so I couldn't have missed it, no way."

Baydan plans to hire 100 more people to meet the demand. "Mr. Bush served some good purpose to the economy before he left," quipped Baydan general manager Serkan Turk.

Bush should probably avoid any more press conferences in Iraq from now on.

Dodging two shoes may have been a piece of cake, but imagine a whole truckload of shoes being thrown at once. Actually this fate may be more fitting then simply putting him on trial for treason.

1 comment:

  1. just think how much the original shoes would go for on ebay!

    did the dude get his shoes back? he's sitting on a gold mine!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.