Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It is the Christmas season, so Christians all over the world are reaching out and showing love to their fellow man. Unless they are fags of course.

Pope Benedict said Monday that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behaviour was just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.

The Church "should also protect man from the destruction of himself. A sort of ecology of man is needed," the pontiff said in a holiday address to the Curia, the Vatican's central administration.

"The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less."

The Catholic Church teaches that while homosexuality is not sinful, homosexual acts are. It opposes gay marriage and, in October, a leading Vatican official called homosexuality "a deviation, an irregularity, a wound."

I love this rationalization. "We LOVE the gays! Just so long as they don't DO anything gay. Because....ooooh yuck!"

That is the dumbest logic I have ever heard. As is the constant comparison of homosexual behavior to incest or pedophilia.

Let me explain the difference stupid. It is the difference between "consensual" sex and "non-consensual" sex. An adult who has sex with a child is engaging in "non-consensual" sex because the child is too young to understand and give permission for the act. The same is true of a father who molests his children. He is victimizing them because they are not old enough to understand exactly what is happening.

But if two same sex people wish to make hot monkey love, and they are both old enough to give consent, then it is none of our damn business!

"But it is gross!" Well that is just a matter of opinion. Personally I think old people making love is gross too, but I certainly have nothing against them doing so. Just don't make me watch.

And while I am at it let me explain why religions are so against "teh gays".

You see religions were bases of power in ancient times. They bonded people together in like minded communities which usually only increased in size by making lots and lots of babies and indoctrinating them into whatever religion the parents were practicing. This is the same reason why marrying outside of your race, religion, or class could result in being ostracized or even put to death. The religion had to be preserved and its influence needed to be spread, to insure its survivability. Introducing alternative beliefs puts an established religion in jeopardy.

Having a homosexual in your group was frowned upon because that person was not surrendering their sperm for the cause of the collective. They were selfishly choosing to "sin" against the good of the community. Even forcing them to marry and have sex without being in love was no big deal because it still meant that they would create new Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, or whatever and that increased the size and influence of their belief system and often their very race.

You see homosexuality is as old as time, and it is practiced by every species of creature on earth with no detrimental effect whatsoever. It is only human beings who condemn and punish members of their species for not contributing to the gene pool. It is only we who hate and vilify those who are different.

But not all human beings. In the Native American culture there was a much more advanced and inclusive response to the homosexual. He simply followed the path of the "Two spirit". Rather then being rejected, they often performed a very necessary function and were even considered magic in some tribes.

So when you next hear your minister, or priest, or Rabbi, or spiritual teacher, explaining to you how homosexuality is a sin, remember what primitive tradition is informing that opinion. And then ask yourself, "In this day and age, how does somebodies sexuality hurt me in any way?"

It is Christmas. What better time for people to open their heart, and choose to love those who walk a different path?


  1. oh how i have a not so good thing for the Catholic church. just because it not only shuns homosexuals, but also believes a woman has no place in its heirarchy. i won't go into that rant. as for the "case" against homosexuals, i've always thought that those who protest so much against something MUST have something to hide. Case in point, Ted Haggard. NOT the a Catholic priest, but an anti-gay-rhetoric-belching-closet-homosexual.

    very well written post, Gryphen. i send you and your family warm AZ tidings this splendid holiday and may the New Year ROCK!

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Happy Holidaze, Gryphen and THANK YOU for this post. Between the Prada Pope (aka Hitler Youth or Pope Nazinger) and pastor rick we really have a battle coming up on our LGBT community's behalf. I'm glad we're all addressing it, though. Great post... my dad used to say this (I was raised Catholic) that he didn't care if people were gay as long as they didn't "practice" it. WTF!!

    Talk about crazy. That's part of the reason I am an atheist today :)

    Anyway, here's a little something to cheer you for xmas. Enjoy!

  3. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Very well said...I was brought up Catholic, twelve years of Catholic school, and even got married in the church. But the Catholic church has clung to the same ancient beliefs they have had for centuries. I no longer consider myself a Catholic, but I still consider myself a Christian. I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ...he embraced all people and creatures...prostitutes, theives, lepers, and probably gays.

    I don't belong to any church, and have decided to let my children make the choice of what (if any) religion they want to practice when they get old enough. We make sure they have the foundation and values they need to be a good person.

    I believe homosexuality is not a is the way God created a person. 99.9% of gay men and women will probably tell you that. To discriminate based on someone's sexual orientation is no different than any other prejudice. Who cares who two grown consenting adults choose to have sex with or marry? It has no impact on me or my family at all.

  4. You make several good points. However you spin on the Catholic churches view on Heterosexuality is skewed.
    One of the reasons I respect the Vatican is that it does not create gray areas to maintain popularity. You must admit there are several churches that have progressed to a more tolerant tenet.
    Back to my point. The Catholic church does not discriminate, it teaches tolerance and love.
    It does not frown upon consensual sex within any married union. In fact it glorifies it as a chosen vocation.
    Therefore our belief is actually that any sexual acts outside of marriage are sinful. So yes it is OK to be homosexual, but if you do not remain celibate outside of marriage, then you are acting in sin. Think about this, practicing homosexuals, pedophiles, rapists, premarital unions ,and adulterers are guilty under the same rules.
    Catholics hold no group in disgust, rather we just believe we should all be held accountable on the same plane.
    Is that so horrible?

  5. kg,
    Is that so horrible?

    Is that a rhetorical question?


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