Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Unsubstantiated rumor of the day: Bristol Palin's baby to be born on Christmas day!

I first heard this rumor about two days ago. But since then I have seen it repeated over and over again all over the Internet.

And I thought, just like I am sure just you did, no freaking way!

How could anybody, and I mean, anybody, have the audacity to orchestrate such a transparent attempt to manipulate peoples emotions on this holiest of Christian holidays?

But then I remembered that we were not talking about just ANYBODY, we were talking about Sarah Palin. The same women who engineered a second ethics probe to offset the findings of the first one, and the same person who finally released a note from her doctor to answer the questions about where her medical records were THE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION!

To any rational person these things are completely transparent. But NOT to the people who seem to worship Sarah Palin like the Virgin Mother herself. And if you think that I am exaggerating the situation then just take a gander at this site. And this site. And this one. And unbelievably this one.

Frightened yet? Yeah, well join the club.

So will the newest Palin addition really be born on Christmas day? Hell I don't know.

But if he is I certainly hope that the MSM finally says "enough is enough", and starts doing the kind of probing investigation into Sarah Palin and her family that the blogs have been trying to do for over three months now.


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Amen, and thanks for bringing this up ahead of Dec. 25th. I wouldn't put it past Palin one bit to have her daughter induced on Christmas Day just to improve her position with her right wing nut job religious followers.

  2. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Thanks for the links. It gave me a chance to vote on the "Where do you want to see Saray in four years" poll. At home taking care of her family, of course.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    SaraH, I mean.

  4. Anonymous3:05 PM


    ...and your point is?

  5. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Just a tip- you might not want to link directly to those sites, as they will see where they are getting hits from and might come back to your site and send trolls. You could just change them to www(dot)palinforamerica(dot)com or whatever. Just an idea.


  6. Anonymous3:06 PM


    Democrats hit new lows with 2008 scandals

  7. Thanks mamadance, but I don't sweat the trolls.

    They are rarely up to the job.

  8. i check here every morning to see if there's been an arrival. it's just absolutely odd.

  9. it's now Dec 26th, 1235am EST. With the time difference between here and Alaska, I suppose it could hapen still.

    Maybe they are at the hospital already? I wouldn't be suprised; after all, it IS Sarah!

  10. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I seriously doubt Bristol will give birth before the new year. After looking at Audrey's blog and all the photographic eveidence posted there, I think Trig was born earlier than April 18, and Bristol is not going to have her baby for another month.

  11. Anonymous11:13 PM

    I checked the link "Sarah Palin For America." Within that website I went to "Sarah Palin-Fund Raising-Oil Painting." Some person had done a painting of Palin to try to raise $50,000 for Palin - for what? Who knows - these are Palin-people, remember.
    There appears to be a problem setting up the fund, so the person decided to auction the painting on Ebay. The bidding closed on 12/16 with "0" (yes, zero) bids. Kinda sounds like the State jet Palin put on Ebay.

  12. Anonymous11:30 PM

    I looked through all these "Sarah Palin Blogs." It's evident that these people aren't Alaskans, because they don't know much about Palin. I picture them sitting in a beauty shop, with their hair up in juice cans, sitting under a hair dryer, going ga-ga over Palin. Kinda like "Team Sarah" Blog. They say they have 60 some thousand members. Probably half of the 60,000 are non-Palin supporters who are just plain nosey, like me.

  13. Gryphen... per an earlier post of yours about a week ago...

    Did you ever wonder if the reason Bristol looked like she had so much early pregnancy weight gain and little afterward is that this is instead weight she never lost from a Trig pregancy?

  14. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Bristol is a real pregnancy machine. First Trig, now this new one -- they are scurrying to find a baby in time. The first pregnant girl they had lined up at first said she'd consent to early induced labor, then balked out of it.

  15. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Some reports say Saturday, others Sunday. Neither the hospital nor Palin's office will confirm it. Only the sister of Bristol's grandmother has said anything. This is not real reporting, just repetiion of an announcement by a distant family member. They say it was at 5:30 in the morning, and once again, no medical or hospital reports -- very likely she was never pregenant, and has adopted the baby, under-the-table.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.