Monday, December 01, 2008

Keith Olbermann on the "Diva goes down to Georgia".

Keith does not pull any punches and helps to remind Alaskans, and the rest of the country, that this woman has not done a lick of work as Governor since the John McCain Presidential campaign drove off a cliff in November.

My question is who is paying for all of this cross country travel as Palin gallivants across the country laying the foundation for the ridiculous notion that she will actually be the Republican nominee in 2012?

Something tells me that Alaskans may be getting stuck with the bill yet again.


  1. Anonymous1:54 AM

    But Overblown has no problem with the fact that the chosen one was not in his senate seat for two years as he ran for president, nope that does not matter at all.

  2. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Everything Obama has done for the last two years has been perfect according to Keith.

  3. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I've seen comments from bloggers from all the states she's named -- Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, Washington state (and I wonder if she knows Washington DC isn't a state, and doesn't have either a Governor or a Senator?) -- disavowing any of her "help", and in fact they are standing strong behind the preparations of the presidential-elect Obama administration.

    She's not only not set foot in the Alaska state Capital of Juneau, she's only been in the state 15 WORKING DAYS! And of that, she's been giving interviews in front of dying turkeys, checking her purloined wardrobe, and packing for more trips "abroad" (in the other 49 states).

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Daily Show, Countdown with Keith "O'Reilly will always be the Worst Person in the World" Olbermann on More Snotty News By Chicks. How come you never link up anything from Bill O'Reilly? I am sure they have the Fox News Channel up there in Alaska...

  5. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I heard that Saxby's campaign picked up the tab for the trip to Georgia, and the state of Alaska paid for the trip to Philly.

    I saw on the Huffington Post that she was wearing one of the camapaign outfits...was it hers? Or maybe the RNC figured since she's already started her 2012 campaing she might as well keep it.

    I figured Sarah might want to be sticking close to home as she's going to be a grandma (again?) soon. Isn't Bristol's due date in sixteen days, December 18th? I guess Sarah again has no qualms about early labor...

    Please Gryphen keep us updated on that!

  6. Oh I will. I will.

    But if you want to read the latest breaking stories on "babygate" check out "Palin's Deception" on my blogroll. Audrey is about to break something wide open.


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