Monday, December 01, 2008

Sarah Palin gives speech for Saxby Chambliss in Georgia, which I believe is called "driving a stake through Saxby's heart, dontcha know"!

Is that speech even written down? It just sounds like she is trying to pull pieces of various speeches still drifting aimlessly around that tiny brain of hers and reassembling them into some coherence. And failing miserably.

By the way what does she mean by "progress this great nation"? Is that code for "putting Creationism into the public school system" or is it code for "I went to five different colleges and still can't string a sentence together"? And what does the phrase "put government back on our side" mean? Under George Bush and the Republicans our government has destroyed our reputation, destroyed our economy, and started an unnecessary war. How would electing Saxby Chambliss who supported all of that be helping to "put government back on our side"? Is she even hearing the garbage falling out of her own mouth?

I am also not completely sure that Palin was aware of which state she was campaigning from. She said the word Georgia no less then eight times in two and a half minutes as if there were notations on the paper in front of her reminding her where in the hell she was.

Well I can hardly blame her. If I was in Georgia I would definitely be trying to forget it.

All in all this speech was absolutely terrible. I saw a longer version today on MSNBC, and it certainly did not get any better. I am not at all sure WHO is inspired by Sarah Palin, but I can say with conviction that they probably should not be allowed to vote in this country.


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    ntr.v. pro·gress (prə-grĕs'), -gressed, -gress·ing, -gress·es.

    1. To advance; proceed: Work on the new building progressed at a rapid rate.
    2. To advance toward a higher or better stage; improve steadily: as medical technology progresses.

    Looks like Saxby progressed right into the senate with Ms. Palin's help.

    You Betcha.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Sarah Palin is a moron - plain and simple. If she is the best that the GOP can do then I feel very sorry for them.


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