Saturday, December 27, 2008

Look! The Republicans went and got their own "Magic Negro"!

Ken Blackwell, the former Ohio secretary of state who appears to be leading in the race to become the next chairman of the Republican National Committee, is defending a rival who distributed a CD containing a song called "Barack the Magic Negro," and dismissing criticism as a sign of media "hypersensitivity" to race.

The rival, former Huckabee aide Chip Saltsman, came under fire today from the sitting Republican Party chairman, Mike Duncan, who said he was "shocked and appalled" by the move, Mike Allen reported."Unfortunately, there is hypersensitivity in the press regarding matters of race. This is in large measure due to President-Elect Obama being the first African-American elected president," said Blackwell, who would be the first black RNC chairman, in a statement forwarded to Politico by an aide. "I don't think any of the concerns that have been expressed in the media about any of the other candidates for RNC chairman should disqualify them. When looked at in the proper context, these concerns are minimal. All of my competitors for this leadership post are fine people."

Hey you see that picture of the well dressed black man over there? THAT is Ken Blackwell. I shit you not!

And it just goes to prove my theory about what kind of African Americans join the Republican party. They are self loathing black people, who have been put down for so long that they have come to accept that they are indeed inferior to the white man.

How else can anybody explain why George Bush, who has single handedly set equal rights back twenty years, still managed to get 8% of the black vote in 2004? This 8% percent simply must not like black folk!

They vote against African Americans getting better jobs, they vote against them getting adequate educations, and apparently they also vote against them becoming President.

This Ken Blackwell fellow is defending an act of racism so ugly that it turns the stomach of every rational thinking American, white or black. It suggests a deep pathological hatred of your own race.

And that is probably why Mr. Blackwell is currently favored to lead the Republican party. This way the GOP can present the facade of an open, all inclusive, political party with this schizophrenic African American as their point man. His self hatred will keep him from demanding any kind of reform from the party, and he will passively allow them to continue with their racially divisive policies while providing a shield of blackness to ward off criticism.

"Hey look Democrats! We have one of those brown people leading our party too! So just go ahead an try to call us racist now!"

I hope that when Barack Obama takes office he starts an outreach program for black Republicans that will finally offer them the help that they so clearly need.


  1. he is a total criminal...and so hated here...unreal...

    and the song is indeed disgusting...gee the RNC is full of the we should not be shocked right?...especially after this election....some of the antics were beyond any reproach...

  2. Yep, and this Ken Blackwell's excuses for that king of thing are so...distasteful.

    I find him very disturbing.

    Kind of like a female prostitute who helps her pimp break in the new girl by lying to her and telling her what a great life they will have together.

  3. blackwell we part of the 2004 voting disaster in ohio

    blackwell and steele -- blacks in the republican party

    it would be like me, a new york jew - joining the Nazi party......

    go figure it out....

  4. FoxNews and even CNN trotted this guy out occasionally during the election to counterpoint anything Roland Martin had to say about the Republican candidates and their issues.

    When Blackwell ran for governor of Ohio in 2006, many blacks wouldn't even vote for the guy. That he was black didn't matter; they didn't like his stand on the issues.

  5. How this idiot can defend it is beyond me. At least Steele is trying to say it is wrong. Of course it is How they even want to be associated with any of them is beyond me.

    I asked the few Repubs I know during the campaign how they could be associated with this stuff and how they could call themselves Christians, their answer was that the Dems do it too... even my FORMER preacher and I had words about this kind of stuff. After he called PE BO a Muslim and said some other things I didn't much like I told him that was the last time I would speak to him and the last time I would be in his church, he and Rick Warren would almost pass for twins.

    He thought Sister Sarah was the Bee's Knee's too.... what can I say. a 50 some year relationship ended right there.

    Oh well.

  6. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Those two oreo cookies will do anything for their party.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.