Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sarah Palin calendar is the number one selling "office product" on the website.

Still having trouble finding just the right gift for that hard to buy for conservative misogynist? Well I think this might just be the gift giving idea for you.

Here is what some of the commenter's at had to say about this delightful calendar.

Sarah Palin is not only an idiot; she is an idiot detector as well. This calendar is perfect. Hang it somewhere inconspicuous and if you are not sure of someone's true intellect show him or her the calendar. If they seem to genuinely respect Sarah Palin you will know that intelligent conversation is impossible, and you can move on to discussions of Survivor or American Idol.

Shouldn't we tell her? This is a "gag-gift." And aren't we being a little cruel to continue to make fun of this woman by suggesting she's a credible figure? I mean, honestly, I think she thinks this is all real! That someone, somewhere, actually admires her or takes her seriously. I think she actually believes that she's a viable politician! Can you imagine?

Hahahhaahahahahahhaa! OMG...I truly thought this was a joke! I have no choice but to award 5 stars for "pathetic". WAKE UP PEOPLE!

Of course not everybody believed this calendar was a joke.

I was so happy to have found this calendar :) Sarah is such a beautiful woman. It was nice to see pictures of her outside the political realm. She's a true maverick - and that Piper is too darn cute!

Well it is my fervent desire that by the time the purchasers of this calendar turn the page to the month of February that Sarah Palin's political career will have crashed and burned and we can move on to more important political stories.

December 27th and no Bristol Palin baby news so far! Hmmm.


  1. Anonymous5:46 AM

    This is just too much...did anyone get a look at it yet? Does the April picture show Sarah with her pregnancy pillow on?

    Love your blog...I have read it everyday since being introduced to Sarah Palin in September.

  2. y'all be careful up 2010 she might be your Senator.

  3. Not if I have anything to say about it Linda!

  4. Your lips to the voters ears

    I agree with the one person, I too thought this was a joke when I first heard it...then realized it wasn't ...what a scary thought that people are really buying this crap. I am still trying to figure out who is the most ignorant the people who ARE buying it or the ones who are believing in her.

  5. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I'm sure it was a gag gift that lots of liberals gave to their like minded friends. Had I known this was available I would have gotten one for my father-in-law as a joke because he thought SP was hot (although he is a staunch democrat and Obama supporter)

  6. I can think of one SP-related .org site that's got about 67,000+ devoted fans who are ordering this calendar in batches.

    If they had any smarts at all, and used simple card-making software, they could make a 12-month SP calendar FOR FREE!

    There's hundreds of SP pictures out there on the 'Net, including fake pregnancy photos that, for them, "prove" that SP is Gaea personified.

    Maybe they just want to help line Judy Patrick's pockets..."spread the wealth"...

  7. It would make a great gag gift - too bad the profits aren't going to a good cause.

    I wish only the best for Bristol and her child - but it is curious she is over due. I have a feeling that if the baby is too late to keep up the lie, that once the baby is born, the "story" will be it was born earlier but kept secret -- perhaps they will even try to claim a xmas day birth.

  8. Anonymous6:06 PM (for the real Palin calendar :)

  9. KaJo said...
    I can think of one SP-related .org site that's got about 67,000+ devoted fans who are ordering this calendar in batches.

    yep--you betcha! also too!

  10. do you think all those orders are for toilet paper? ;)

  11. Anonymous11:09 AM

    oh where oh where is bristol palin's baby!!!!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.