Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Republicans call George Bush a "socialist". "Warmonger", "charlatan", and "mama's boy" did not make the list.

Republican Party officials say they will try next month to pass a resolution accusing President Bush and congressional Republican leaders of embracing "socialism," underscoring deep dissension within the party at the end of Mr. Bush's administration.

"We can't be a party of small government, free markets and low taxes while supporting bailouts and nationalizing industries, which lead to big government, socialism and high taxes at the expense of individual liberty and freedoms," said Solomon Yue, an Oregon member and co-sponsor of a resolution that criticizes the U.S. government bailouts of the financial and auto industries. Republican National Committee Vice Chairman James Bopp Jr. wrote the resolution and asked the rest of the 168 voting members to sign it.

"We have enough co-sponsors to take this to the RNC floor" at the party's Jan. 28-31 annual winter meeting in Washington, Mr. Bopp said. "I will take it to the Resolutions Committee, but I intend to press this issue to the floor for decision."

Now the Republicans decide that Bush has betrayed their party? Only now?

He didn't betray their party when he took the nation into an unnecessary war?

He did not betray his party when he decided to eavesdrop on the phone calls of American citizens?

He did not betray his party when he failed to respond to Katrina effectively?

He did not betray his party when he allowed billions of American dollars to disappear in Iraq?

Are these examples acceptable by the GOP? They do not rise to the level of incompetence, criminal activity, or betrayal?

You know I have recently been called out on my intense dislike for the Republicans. A dislike by the way that did not exist eight years ago.

"Gee Gryphen, you cannot dislike ALL Republicans. That is not fair!"

Yes it is! Because any Republican who did not rise up against this President, this administration , and these dangerous policies, is a criminal in my opinion. Just like the guy who drives the getaway car after the bank is robbed by his pals, these Republicans have provided cover for the most dangerous anti-American policy decisions ever visited upon this great country.

The Republicans may have always been my ideological opposites in most cases, but I did not despise them. But in the last eight years they have earned my intense disgust.

Calling George Bush a "socialist" now, after eight years, just shows how out of touch these politicians are. They should instead blame him for the careless decisions that he made which caused this crisis to occur in the first place. At least now, for perhaps the first time in his presidency, he is trying to fix something that he has broken. Of course it is much too late, but at least it is something.

George Bush will go down in history as the worst President this country has ever had, a man who broke the economy, destroyed our reputation worldwide, poisoned his own political party, and spied on his own constituents, but it is very doubtful that the label of "socialist" will find any purchase.


  1. I assume that that photo was photo shopped but it sure sums up his attitude towards the country during his reign. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  2. I know what you mean Gryphen, I am there too. I have gone from dislike, to disgust to pure hatred of most of them.

    I keep trying to find something there, but as they say, there is just no there, there...

    I have posted the petition on my blog to have bush & co prosecuted for war crimes if you are interested. You can also get the address and get the codes to post to your site too. We need to keep pushing to get that done after we get Jan. 20th over. This will take it to a spec. commission and make it non political.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    People tell me that all of the time too. I just ignore them. I once put a profile up on eharmony, and I wrote right up front "republicans need not apply, period". I do not date republicans, I prefer not to speak to them at all. People tell me I'm crazy and need help.

    As a woman, I have seen enough of their crap to believe, very firmly, that sleeping with a republican man is an act of self-degradation. And plus, they are boring. I really don't care who thinks I'm disturbed.

  4. Anonymous11:12 AM

    They have to do something to distance themselves from the clusterfu*k of the last eight years. The GOP is reeling from the ass whooping they received and the hits will keep on coming for the foreseeable future.

    Now if they would just exorcise themselves from the radical evangelicals like Palin, they may actually start to become relevant again in the national debate.


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