Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sarah Palin is 2008 "Conservative of the Year".

Apparently Sarah Palin has been named "Conservative of the Year". Which of course once again beggars the question; Just what is a "conservative" these days?

Alaska, which is known for taking HUGE government handouts in the form of earmarks, and for giving its citizens a dividend once a year from interest earned on invested oil money, seems an odd choice for true conservatives to use as an example of capitalistic ideals.

And of course Sarah Palin herself gave each Alaskan a rebate of $1200, just as she began her run for the office of Vice President (coincidence?), which you imagine would disqualify her from being considered a "conservative". However it seems that the term "conservatism" has been shanghaied by the social conservatives, who focus exclusively on keeping gays from getting married, keeping sex education out of our public schools, and denying women the right to terminate a pregnancy. And for that type of "conservative" Sarah seems the perfect choice.

However it did not seem to be enough for the McCain campaign to stop the juggernaut that was Barack Obama. Hmmm I wonder what Palin believes was the reason for that?

GIZZI: What was the biggest mistake made in the ’08 campaign?

PALIN: The biggest mistake made was that I could have called more shots on this: the opportunities that were not seized to speak to more Americans via media. I was not allowed to do very many interviews, and the interviews that I did were not necessarily those I would have chosen. But I was so thankful to have the opportunity to run with John McCain that I was not going to argue with the strategy decisions that some of his people were making regarding the media contacts.But if I would have been in charge, I would have wanted to speak to more reporters because that’s how you get your message out to the electorate.

So the biggest mistake the McCain campaign made was NOT allowing Palin to give more interviews like this?

And this?

Oh yeah. It should be obvious to ANYONE that the biggest mistake was not allowing Palin to do MORE interviews. And I think that in the future, should she decide to run for national office again, that our Governor should just do interview after interview until the American people are dumbed down into a state of intellectual lethargy and simply vote for her to get her to STOP TALKING!

Whenever somebody comes onto this site or any other site to defend Sarah Palin and tell us how wonderful she is, I always ask myself "did this person ever actually see her speak"? Because if they did, and still want her to lead this country, I seriously believe they may need to get their medication adjusted without delay.

And do you know the truly scary part? She is STILL in charge of my state! Stephen King himself could not have imagined a more frightening scenario!

Do they even sell Barack Obama nightlights? Because I think I am going to need one.


  1. you might want to take a look at the Ageless Hippie Chick's blog....I have photographic evidence of how Sarah was responsible for a tragic event at the North Pole....;)

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Sarah is "conservative" only in the aspect that she doesn't believe gays should marry, pregnant teenagers should be forced to, God directs her, abstinence is the only only acceptable form of birth control (see how well that worked for both her and her daughter?) and that abortion should be illegal under any circumstances.
    I wish she would just STFU. Her 15 minutes have long since passed.

    Packy J

  3. That is too funny Linda!

    Thanks for your comment Packy, I wish she would shut up too. But she won't!

  4. feel free to liberate the photo -- I think it's hilarious!

  5. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I would say your and your friends need to put a stop to whoever is serving the Sarah Palin Kool Aid up there in Alaska, Gryphen. I was watching MSNBC...that nut who named her Conservative of the Year was doing an interview. He thinks she's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    According to some recent poll, if the 2010 Senate election were held today, your girl would be the front runner, and would probably win. Get ready for a catfight, Lisa Murkowski!

    Hey, BTW, did Bristol give birth yet?

  6. No, and don't count on it happening (I mean, REALLY happening) until mid-February at the earliest.

    But if there is a birth announcement, no doubt it'll be a stand-in, like it was the last time (trouble was, the last stand-in showed up ahead of time -- oops, gotta get back from Dallas).

    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


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