Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pastor Rick Warren is tired of the lies and attacks coming from the people suffering with "Christophobia". WTF?

Damn! I was hoping to stay out of this controversy about Obama and Rick Warren. I even demurred last night when Shannyn Moore asked me on the radio for my opinion. Of course I had to say I was disappointed in the choice, because I am!

However I have been really trying to trust Obama's judgement on this and give him a pass.

But Warren simply will not shut up!

And now he comes out with this bullshit video laying all of the blame for he current controversy on people who don't like him for staying neutral. And then calling them "hateful", and afraid of "any Christan", and then using the totally made up word "Christophobia" to describe them.

Well Pastor Warren let me just say this, fuck you buddy!

Nobody would have a single negative thing to say about you if you had not weighed in on the Proposition 8 debate, not had a comment on your church's website saying that unless homosexuals were repentant for loving somebody not of your choosing "they would not be accepted as a member of Saddleback", and had not compared gay marriage to "incest and pedophilia". If you were not on record saying these "hateful" things NOBODY would care if you gave the invocation. And by the way, saying those things does not make you "neutral"! Look the damn word up if you have to!

And where do you get the idea that you are being attacked for being a "Christian"? I have not seen that ANYWHERE! People are not mad at you for following the teachings of Christ, they are angry at you for NOT following the teachings of Christ! Does anybody really believe that Jesus, perhaps one of the most compassionate people in history, would have told somebody that gay people should not get married? I find that very unlikely! Jesus was all about acceptance, and tolerance, and love.

Rick you talk about how much you "love" everybody. Well buddy part of "love" is "acceptance". Until you accept the desires of the homosexual community to have the same right to get married to the person they love, that every heterosexual couple in America enjoys, then you cannot really "love" them.

Until then all you really do is "tolerate" them.


  1. Very well said, Gryphen. You nailed it that this man is not acting like a Christian.

    What really irked me was in his interview a couple of nights ago he compared his attraction to every beautiful woman he sees (saying he had to control that) with a gay person's attraction to his or her own sex. As if being totally promiscuous as a heterosexual would be the same thing as having a loving same-sex relationship. Well, actually, that was only one of the things that irked me. The others you've laid out already.

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Amen, brother. Rant on!

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

    That asshat is the one that's Christophobic! In fact, most "Christians" hate Jesus. They really hate him. They say they love Jesus, but they only love the "Jesus" that is of their own minds, the homophobic anti-Muslim "Jesus" whose birthday is on December 25 that does not now and never existed. The REAL Jesus, whose birthday is June 16, is the son of God and loves EVERYONE because his Daddy made EVERYONE and has ALREADY forgiven everyone of whatever they have done. So don't buy into the bullshit of "Christianity" - love the REAL Jesus. He loves you.

  4. Here is what Melissa Etheridge had to say about this controversy. If you will recall Ms. Etheridge is not one to shrink from speaking truth to power and confronted the candidate Hilary Clinton about her husband's dismal record in regard to gay rights during the primary debates.

    Perhaps Mr. Obama had a similar conversation with Rev. Warren and came to many of the same conclusions.

    And let me add, as a fire-breathing progressive, pro-choice, anti-war, gay rights, immigrant and poverty activist, Christian, I am also kinda fucking tired of "Christophobes". Liberals who will not even entertain the notion that a progressive could have a religious faith are partly responsible for the destruction of the movements started in the 60s and the rise of the religious right. Do any of you know who William Sloane Coffin was? How about the Berrigan Brothers, Father Michael Doyle, Dorothy Day, Mother Jones? Or, how about the most notorious liberal of all, Jesus of Nazareth? There are many sincere people of faith working as hard as they can and speaking at the top of their lungs for social justice who are drowned out by both the religious right and the faith-adverse left, who just want a place at the table, because they have been effective there before.
    Another thought, is it possible that the whole marriage paradigm is broken in America (or the world, for a long time) and a more equitable model needs to be developed for all of our citizens, leaving "marriage" to be a separate religious ceremony, celebrated in the way individual congregation see fit? Our Constitution assures equal rights for all citizens, certainly GLBT individuals but also women whose legal rights vary from state to state.
    Abraham Lincoln once said "The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend." Maybe Mr. Obama knows that also.

  5. Anonymous5:15 AM

    The problem with "so-called" Christians is they're so busy condemning themselves and others, or preaching at people, or worse still, killing for Christ. None of them understanding, or trying in the least, to BEHAVE like a Christ.

    Religion is supposed to teach love, peace, and understanding. Instead it breeds hatred, ignorance, and intolerance.

    Money is not the root of all evil: it's religion!


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