Monday, January 19, 2009

Glenn Beck slobbers all over Sarah Palin. Yeah I was disgusted too.

Did he just tear up? Oh yeah this is going to be a fair and balanced interview.

And then he calls her a GILF. My gag reflex just kicked in big time.

I thought at first that long delay after Beck asked her if Barack Obama was going to be her President after tomorrow was very telling, but now I chalk it up to a slight delay in their communication feed.

There's a "global effort to discredit capitalism"? How come I never got that memo?

I thought that FOX News was the perfect place for Glenn Beck, but you know he may even be too stupid to work at that network. Let this be a lesson to you kids, no matter how tempting they may look, DON'T EAT THE PAINT CHIPS!

Hmm according to Willow Palin asking big businesses to pay their fair share of taxes is punishing them. I wonder where she ever heard such a crazy notion?

By the way there was more to this interview where Palin provided more bullshit about caring for the "common people" and tried to appear all concerned and aware. But all I could think while I watched her standing there in front of Cook Inlet with her new wire frame glasses, her extra sturdy makeup, and her windblown hair, was that here she was giving yet ANOTHER interview, to yet ANOTHER outside media guy while the people of Emmonak, and other villages in the area, patiently wait for their Government to finally give them the help that they have been asking for since October.

You see she may be able to fool Glenn Beck (and how hard is that really?), but Alaskans have seen through this woman's facade. We know that she cares only for herself and those who can help to further her career. She is our Governor in name only, and she has made it crystal clear that we are on our own. The only people we can rely on for help is each other.

Thankfully we are ready to accept that burden.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Why does she always use progress as a verb??

    No other comments...she and Glenn are too stupid for words.

    Happy Inauguration Day Gryphen...need any Obamam souveneirs from DC?

  2. She is an Idiot with a capital "I".

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I thought Sarah was supposed to be a god-fearing, pious Christian. Wouldn't any REAL Christian be totally offended at being called a "Governor I'd Love to F-ck?"

    I guess it's all good PR, right?

  4. No Palin has been using her looks to distract people from her lack of intelligence and ability.

    When Beck made the comment about how hot she was it was her cue that he was not going to ask her anything that would show who dumb she is.

  5. In other words it was the typical Fox love fest for Sarah Palin... why am I not surprised??

    He is just like Sean Hannity. They would make a great couple.

  6. Anonymous7:20 PM

    It was a solid interview not the stupid questions you get from the MSM. Real questions, real answers and not "so what do you read" or "is that baby yours"

    Of course the Palin haters and the MSM are going to hate it, but people who don't have the PDS saw a real interview not a MSM I AHTE YOU SARAH interview.

  7. Okay now you are just screwing with me Notalib.

    No way you watched that video and came away with that conclusion!

  8. why did sarah say trig is now 8 months old? if he was born april 18, 2008 is he not now 9 months old? after kid #4 did she just lose track (no pun intended)? i guess asking a woman who can't count to save rural AK is a bit much.....

  9. Anonymous8:41 PM

    No SH!!T Gryphen. Give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile.

  10. Notalib, what happened to your "turn over a new leaf" thing?

    Looks to me like you are so blinded, you just can't see the real "her" shining through in this interview, as it always does!

  11. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Notalib was blinded by the little starbursts...

  12. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Great Palin interview...I am TOTALLY getting out my crayons and starting with my Sarah Palin-Tonya Harding 2012 posters!!!!!

  13. so i listened to the end of this icky interview again, and she really said " here he's eight months old, he got glasses!"

    so i concede that perhaps she CAN count. doesn't excuse her for Emmonak, though.

    watching the inaugural now. yeah obama!

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Anybody that does not believe that she will not run for an office outside Alaska is delusional.
    Alaskans have to discredit this women and show the rest of this nation what a poor governor she is.

    So Glenn Beck has a special needs child.
    Did he mention how she cut educational services the year before?
    And how wonderful that she carted around her child, actually Bristol and Piper held Trig more then she did.
    Did anybody tell her that Trig needs intensive services? Especially during his first year?
    Did he receive them while on the campaign trail?
    Did anyone else noted she said not one word about her grandson. Not he's beautiful etc.
    It was weird.

  15. UKCCHHHHH. Do you know how HARD it is to clean barff out from between the keys on your keyboard?!?!

  16. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Did he really call her a GILF? Is the G for Governor or Grandma? Either way, isn't that so very sexist and "salacious" of Beck (things Palin has decried the media for)? And, of course, there were no comments on the invisible grandbaby. What a useless farce!


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