Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inaugeration Day! But as we celebrate this historic event Keith Olbermann's Special Comment reminds us that we still have unfinished business.

It almost seems rude and uncivilized to bring this ugliness up on such a hopeful positive day. But personally I cannot move into the next chapter of my life until the last chapter has been reconciled in my head and in my heart.

For the last eight years everything about America has been perverted and turned upside down. The country that has served as a shining light of justice has become a country that stomps on the civil rights of others, tortures its perceived enemies, and spies on it own trusting citizens. We have poisoned the pristine well that so many people, from all around the world, seek out to slake their thirst and to wash the taste of injustice from their throats.

Before President Obama can move this country forward he has to rebuild the foundation of this nation that George Bush, Dick Cheney, and others so callously chiseled away at leaving our very Democracy teetering on the precipice of doom.

I am so ready to open up my heart to the hope and change promised by this new President, but not before the wounds inflicted on my heart by the old President have been washed clean by the healing waters of American justice.

Today is a great day for this country. Perhaps one of the greatest of all time. I only hope that it is a day which signals that justice has emerged from its long slumber and is ready to accept the many challenges that it has ignored for so many years.


  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    "It almost seems rude and uncivilized to bring this ugliness up"

    I agree anytime Keith Overblown is brought up it will spoil a good day, bad day any kind of day.... :)

  2. I agree. The line about learning from and atoning for transgressions is the only way to prevent another moment such as this. And the only way we restore our moral authority. Not just to our international partners in democracy, but for the soul of our nation and the our Constitution.

  3. Keith's commentary is the most poignant and compelling case for prosecution that I've ever heard. I agree 100%. If these acts are allowed to slide it WILL happen again and in a far worse manner.

  4. I just visited the petition site that Annette recommended. First entry I read was this:

    Update 1: On 12/20 we received a reply from Mr. Holder:

    Enough folks. I hear you.

    So out of respect we stopped forwarding each signature individually and will instead give him the list in full before the Senate confirmation hearings.

  5. Anonymous8:27 AM

    If President Obama puts this in front of doing the work that this nation needs, better schools, better security, better economy just to appease the moonbats who make up the once proud democrat party, it is going to be a long four years for him. I really think he is smarter than that, he understands what is at stake by being petty, but I guess time will tell.

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    As soon as you start with your "moonbat" crap it reminds me what a "wingnut" your are.
    Why do you venture out of Gretawire territory? Or TeamSarah? Those blogs are more your speed, doncha think?


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