Thursday, January 22, 2009

New pictures from Emmonak.

Our intrepid fellow blogger and freelance reporter, Dennis Zaki, has sent us these wonderful photos of the people of Emmonak.

Dennis tells us he should be back in Anchorage some time today and will share with us all that he has discovered.

Up to this point Dennis has been quite cryptic and it may take a few days to get the full story posted.

There may in fact be some information that needs to be reported to the proper authorities first, before being made public on any of our blogs.

But if you stay tuned we should be able to bring you all of the pertinent information.


  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    the last picture is ever so dear. beautiful girls. and i'm struck by the ocmmunities ability to come together, to celebrate sacred rituals, when it seems as though ths sky has fallen upon their heads. their village is on fire and their state has little more than a garden hose and a profound reluctance to help.

    and yet, these beautiful people dance.

  2. Agreed. Adorable girls -- and I was also struck by the beauty of the dancers who were in the Inaugural parade, too.

    OT -- I couldn't find an alternative place to post this heads-up, so I'm putting it here -- you all ought to read this! -- yes, it's all about Sarah Palin and her plans for her future -- for bragging that she wasn't such a Washington DC "insider", she sure is pulling in the insiders to serve her personal ambition.

    See "Palin Moves Closer to Possible Book Deal", a Reuters report at

    (I was much amused to see the tag identifying the writer of the article, Paul J. Gough --> "(Hollywood Reporter)...

    If Sarah Palin is a regular on TV, I hope she sticks to FoxNEWS -- that way I'll never have to listen to her, because I never watch that channel.

  3. State Officials Travel to Emmonak


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