Wednesday, January 21, 2009

State may take a year to get relief to Emmonak. Please tell me that is a typo!

State officials arrived in Emmonak on Tuesday to listen to residents describe how crushing fuel prices and the collapse of the king salmon fishery are tearing apart their village.

Like their neighboring communities, Emmonak residents want Gov. Sarah Palin to declare a disaster for villages along the lower Yukon River.

The five bureaucrats, including mid-level representatives from the divisions of Public Assistance and the Homeland Security and Emergency Management, said they were on a fact-finding trip that was initiated after a group of state commissioners met Monday.

But Tara Jollie, head of the Division of Community and Regional Affairs, maintained that a disaster declaration — if possible at all — would not come quickly.

That wasn’t enough for Nicholas Tucker, whose letter about families struggling to buy food and heating fuel has drawn national attention.

Tucker, a slight man with a salt-and-pepper crewcut, wasted little time in an urgent and sometimes combative tone.

“People can’t wait right now, they just cannot wait. As we talk, people are without food and heat,” said Tucker, 63.

“When you see a child with a 103-degree fever, you don’t wait to find out how he got sick. You take him to the hospital. Right now!” he said.

Anybody with young children will have no problem understanding Mr. Tucker's utter frustration at the lack of empathy from these bureaucrats.

These "State officials" were sitting in the village. They could SEE just how bad things were. Wouldn't you think that witnessing such a thing first hand would inspire them to cut through the red tape and get assistance to these people immediately!

Not in Sarah Palin's Alaska.

Jollie warned that declaring a disaster could take more than a year. State officials must follow federal guidelines and need time to gather data such as annual incomes and cost-of-living information from village officials.

“It’s not something the governor can just walk out on the front steps of her office and declare,” she said.

Are you fucking kidding me? If she can't "just walk out on the front steps of her office and declare" an emergency, then who the hell can? And why isn't that person our governor?

Emergencies don't wait for "data to be gathered"!

They don't hold off until people have time to address them!

Emergencies are called "emergencies" because they require immediate goddamn attention!

This is unconscionable! This is criminal! This is a fucking embarrassment!

Even Katrina had a faster response from the Bush administration then our citizens are receiving from their Governor. How is that for putting things into perspective?

In 1964 we had a devastating earthquake which was responsible for the deaths of 131 of our citizens and caused $300 million dollars of damage in 1964 dollars ($2.08 billion in current U.S. dollars).

Can you imagine if we had the misfortune of having Sarah Palin as our Governor back then? Would she have told my grandparents, my uncles, and my cousins to just wait for another year and help would be on the way?

No she would not have, because Alaskans back then had too much common sense to elect anybody as unbelievably inept as she is to run the state. It simply would not have happened.

So currently the only hope coming to the people of Emmonak for the remainder of this winter is coming from churches, charitable organizations, native corporations, and progressive radio hosts and bloggers.

Until Sarah Palin came along I had never known how ashamed I could be of my own state. But thanks to her I now know what that feels like.

I think it is time to start talking impeachment again. Don't you?


  1. I was infuriated when I read your blog entry here, Gryphen.

    So I sent a copy of the story to Pat Dougherty of the ADN with this note:

    "Dear Pat Dougherty:

    I hope I don't have to BE a coastal villager or even an Alaskan to voice my disbelief and outrage at the ineptitude of the Palin administration. Federal guidelines are just that, they aren't part of the Constitution (which our recent ex-pres and ex-VP so blithely ignored). Guidelines aren't laws. If the situation warrants, the governmental entity should bypass the guidelines and do what's right, what's necessary, and what's NEEDED RIGHT NOW.

    Palin's administration was warned last July that something like this emergency could happen -- by Walt Monegan. That, as has been reported by your newspaper, wasn't the last or the only time the Palin administration was given a heads-up.

    If they fall back now on "federal guidelines" as an excuse, they're guilty of malfeasance and nonfeasance."

  2. If it takes a year to declare an emergency in Alaska, I sure hope you never have one. Good grief we have them here all the time, between floods, tornadoes, even just rains sometimes or heavy snows can be that way for us... it sure doesn't take a year to declare.. it takes about 2 minutes... then it takes up to a year to get the help... from the but at least it is a step in the right direction.

    She is certainly a piece of work...

  3. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Gryphen, I hopped over here from the 'flats a few weeks ago and I had to comment on this. This is the reason I voted that this emergency will not be Palin's Katrina--because it will be much worse. Unfortunately, there is not a national eye on this situation. If the national media was camped out in Alaska covering this story, then you can bet your bippy that your governor would be there front and center. She is a disgrace to humankind.

  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I'm finding your posts difficult to follow. Are the passages in italics another source or you? If it's another source, why don't you say what it is?

  5. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Anonymous, if you click on the post title, it takes you to the original source for the italicized portions.

  6. Gryphen...I'm just commenting to let you know another set of infuriated eyes has fallen upon this post. My head splits to read this. Like in a way where blood is rushing to hemispheres to help pull up language that isn't vulgar to express rage and utter conviction that THIS is what happens to governments when we as a nation do not demand a better educational system. You reap what you sow. And this half-whit with a BS in journalism has NO business CONDUCTING the business of the people of AK.

    Honestly. You have to take the LSAT before entering law school. The MCAT before med school. WHY is there not - at bare bones minimum - a standard IQ test for governors? I know, I know, federal regulations.

    I've said it before in previous comments, I'll say it AGAIN:


    THAT would most assuredly fall upon the MSM's radar. And when they ask WHY, all fingers point to Emmonak. And Adak. And Troopergate. And drop-out rate. And lack of funding for special needs families. And no pipeline but millions gone to start pushing paper around. And media interviews while on state time. And per diems for sleeping in her own bed. And children's travel expenses. And the band played on....

  7. Anonymous8:40 PM

    If Palin sold her campaign wardrobe and makeup, she could contribute to the needs of these desperate people.

  8. Time to call DC, call FEMA and ask questions WHO in DC is your contact for Emergencies- and ALSO WHO is your Contact in Seattle FEMA office, and then call that NEW Senator , also send him ALL Video, photos etc, and the Governor is supposed to ask the PRESIDENT to declare it an EMERGENCY and release FUNDS, National Guard etc.....BUT DC needs to KNOW about this- She is also Blocking it because she does NOT want this on her Record, or effecting her Gas deal....

    There comes a time when you need to GO out of the state- collect as much data as possible and UPS it to DC ( US mail is problematic, or call Mark's office and DEMAND that the Data be Coriuered to his office in DC).

    Also get all of your data- stats- Number of people efffected, suffering, possible illness or deathes....

    Document FULLY All Communication with ALL offices....

    ALSO the Data should be sent to Dept of health and Human Services in DC- but I don't KNOW WHO that is...

    so start with what I sent you above....

    I hope that helps...
    ( contact me if you want more help....)

  9. Considering that the impending disaster has been widely known about since summer, I think it would be more accurate to say that declaring a disaster takes a year and a half.

  10. about the Village- set up a NonProfit and then Put Paypals on ALL of your blogs so people KNOW where and HOW to give....( that might be why Money has slowed...and I hate to say this- you all need a Celebrity to get involved and adopt your situation- I don't know any...BUT I wish or hope that you can find one - think on it...)

  11. We have a meting about hat very thing on Friday Enigma.

    And Dennis Zaki is gathering documentation in Emmonak right now.

    And thank you very much for your advice. All help is much appreciated.

  12. gryphen,

    i've just emailed msnbc, rachel maddow and keith olbermann specifically and additionally, air america,
    npr, and chicago public radio imploring them to bring the story of emmonak to the broader public eye/ear.

    i also submitted a post about it (and recommending your blog) at -don't think that one will show up 'till tomorrow when the mods wake up for the day.

    what i submitted was a version of what's below, tailored to each organization. in the subject line i put: Emmonak, Alaska: the cold crisis

    "Hello, this is about Emmonak, Alaska, thank you for your time.

    I trust you and your network to bring real news to the nation of the USA. PLEASE, is it possible to call national attention to the crisis occurring in Emmonak, AK and the surrounding communities (mostly native) of rural Alaska?

    The governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, has recently informed the residents there that declaring a disaster area or other designation of needed aid could take as long as A YEAR due to "paper work." People there are without money for food or heat -it is Alaska's Katrina moment.

    If they must wait A YEAR people will freeze or starve to death, right here and now in 2009 America! Please bring this situation to national attention, if not to force the Alaska government to act more expediently, then to make other Americans aware of what they can do, where they can donate something, to help.

    For an Alaskan perspective on this i direct you to:

    it's a progressive and personal blog, so it's opinionated, but the story is real, and it is dire. I don't know who else to email next, but people need help, this needs to go "mainstream."

    Thank you always,
    L*** O***, Carbondale, IL (formerly of Chicago).

    Again, Thank you. This is a news-worthy story of America today."

    -hope it was worded well enough, hope someone reads it. i'm encouraging everyone i know to do the same. if anyone likes any of the words i wrote feel free to use them in your own emails.

  13. I'm trying to contact the BBC. I've sent them an e-mail, but it went under general enquiries and will be among quazillions of other e-mails...

    I'm waiting for them to confirm my registration so I can contact their America correspondent directly. His name is Justin Webb and I believe he's still in DC commenting on the inauguration of President Obama. If anybody manages to find some way to contact him before me, go for it!

    If the BBC picks up this story, the US MSM will HAVE to start reporting it.

    To the BBC and other international media, Palin is just some bimbo who massacres the english language, can't control her family and thus provides material for satire.

    But this situation is not funny and SP is not funny anymore.

  14. Please let us know what we can do to help - is there anything beside paypal donations? Is there a way to collect canned goods, warm clothing and blankets in the lower 48 and get a corrinated effort for transportation?

    For example - I would be happy to write about this on the Ravelry forums for some of the groups I belong to that knit and crochet for various causes.

    Feel free to post a comment on my blog or an information on your blog (I check it regularly) if there is anything or information that I can pass along to others to lend out help.

    Also - more visibilty for the paypal button for donations would be helpful too so those new to the blog and situation can find it easily - the only place I know saw it was a post on mudflats, but posts get buried so some kind of sticky post that stays at the top or something in the sidebar perhaps

    More national attention needs to be done about this story - I know the inauguration has dominated the news - but I'm sure Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann or someone would be interested in getting updated on this situatino - if enough of us make a fuss and raise awareness we can get this story out.

    My disgust over Sarah Palin just keeps growing - I almost wish I could move to Alaska to work on the impeachment campaign which I hope gets formed quickly!

  15. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Thanks for your indispensable blog and for getting this news out—thanks to commenters who are spreading the word as well. Palin must've gone to the Bush / Ka†rina School of Emergency Services, Special Criminal Negligence Division . . . the only possible good news here is that Palin is screwing with the innocent residents of AK rather than being in the White House screwing with the whole country and the world. Plus, the folks who ARE in the White House will have sane, prompt, innovative, and compassionate approaches to emergencies and people in need.

  16. YES.
    But I refuse to be embarassed of my state. Just the POS and her minions who "run" it. No, I don't think she's insane. I really think she is just plain EVIL.

    People freezing and starving- suffering slow TORTURE-that doesn't qualify as an emergency?

    I'm showing my naivety here, but can this bypass the Village Idiot and go straight to our new Prez? If she doesn't have the power to declare a Disaster and aqrue instant relief, can't SHE engage his help?

    If you can post contact info for any "churches, charitable organizations, native corporations, and progressive radio hosts and bloggers" who have set up bastions of HOPE, let me know. I'll spend the word and give as well.


  17. Ah. Just read the other comments. Enigma4ever-AWESOME!!!

    The Pay Pal buttons are a great idea!!
    I'm wondering if someone can gather the media contact info, i.e. DC, FEMA, msnbc, rachel maddow, keith olbermann, air america,
    npr, and chicago public radio , BBC, etc, so that we can post it for people to start inundating the media with e-mail.

    Oh, and how about JEWEL?

  18. I got all these e-mail addresses from the comments in Mudflats. The BBC doesn't have e-mail addresses as such, you'd have to go to the website and find your way around to be able to send anything. I hope this link works.

    I'm still waiting for them to confirm my registration so I can comment on Justin Webb's blog and get it across that way. There's another guy called Matt Frei who has a Washington Diary.

    In the meantime, e-mail away! I sent them all links and a summary of the story last Saturday... ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

  19. the links are great that are above...excellent.

    I think that Contacting DC, Obama's office is NOT a bad idea at All- Ask for his office's contact for Native Affairs...and his Contact for Health and Human Emergencies...

    and someone above suggested Jewel- Excellent Idea- she is a caring person....and Go for it...

    Maybe also Contact Mercy Corp. and Red Cross and see if they have any Ideas- GO Outside the state- go to People in DC...

    also try contacting some of the Washington Post reporters that came to cover SaraPee...they might be interested in what is really going on there..

    also there is Greg Palast- as he has contacts with BBC too..( his blog is on watergate summer's blogroll)

    Another Entity that is very interested is Mother Jones- CALL them, they do send people out for this kind of story...and then another entity that you could contact People magazine? or need some kind of PEOPLE magazine...

    Another org that might be interested, esp if you all have GOOD photos- National Geographic...

  20. okay 2 more ideas..
    OPRAH...( yeah I am serious) and
    Anderson Cooper, and yes try calling serious professional and leave messeges of concern, but explain the situation is dire- practice a 2 minute speech....make your best case...

    ( and explain lack of media up there)

  21. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Where are your priorities? Can't you see that it is much more important for Sarah to work out a book deal and argue about whether Bristol is a high school dropout or not?* Sarah is really busy! Geeez!

    Seriously...I thought we had some sad Governors down here in the lower 48, but yours takes the cake. My sincerest sympathies.

    I'm actually in a state whose electoral votes went to McCain and this train wreck. That's thoroughly embarrassing! We are trying to "progress!" education in this commonwealth, however, so hopefully we will have more voters who can actually comprehend the issues by 2012.

    * she is, and Levi also too!


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