Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Planned Parenthood opens new clinic in Juneau. Sarah Palin and family have no plans to visit because of rare allergy to personal responsibility.

Planned Parenthood opened Thursday afternoon. For the first time in more than a decade, Juneau women can now get abortions without flying to Seattle, Sitka or Anchorage.

Workers at the clinic near Twin Lakes said they'd been well-received.

"It's really exciting," said Pamela Lynn, previously an area services manager at the Western Washington Planned Parenthood, who is helping the clinic open.

Walk-in clients showed up before the clinic even opened, she said.

But not everyone welcomes Planned Parenthood. Abortion opponents picketed outside the day before the clinic opened. But Thursday, the Twin Lakes grounds were quiet of protest.

"Since it's the state capital, we do expect protests," Lynn said.

I think we can feel pretty confident that Governor Palin will not be stopping by to welcome her new neighbors. And how do I know Caribou Barbie won't be stopping by?

In the lobby, a bucket of free condoms was labeled "Love carefully," and educational pamphlets lined one wall.

"We're big on education," said Lynn.

Do you hear that? They are "big on education". If that is not the pagan spell that will ensure that Sarah Palin stays far away then I will eat my hat.

Sarah Palin, like many Christian fundamentalists, is not a big fan of any education which questions the absolute certainty that the Bible is the infallible word of God.

If Planned Parenthood teaches contraception then it comes into conflict with Palin's fundamental beliefs. And as far as Palin is concerned if they perform abortions they are literally spitting in God's face. She will not even be able to bring her self to acknowledge that it exists, much less visit the place.

This is why it is so very dangerous to elect politicians who put faith over education.

Personally I am quite pleased that this new facility is open in Juneau, it is long overdue. The only better place in Alaska I can imagine would be in Wasilla.

Of course if there were a Planned Parenthood clinic in the Valley it would probably have to be open 24 hours a day just to keep up with the overwhelming numbers of STD's and teen pregnancies. And yes my Snark-o-meter is set on high today.


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Yep. Ole Evangelical Snake Herder won't get near the place! Personal responsibility isn't big in Evangelical circles.

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Here is a link to the written interview with Greta and Bristol for those who want to go over the details:


    Several photos of Bristol with Tripp:


  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    It is always so interesting to see bible thumpers pick and choose their beliefs while declaring that for the rest of humanity, the whole bible must be followed.

    If Ms. Palin were really an old testament type of gal, she'd be at home, covering her hair and raising her children while Mr. Palin brought home the bacon.

    Ms. Palin would rarely be seen and never heard. Mr. Palin would speak for her, as well as supply her with her opinions...

    Of course, we all know that if Ms. Palin were a new testament type of gal, she'd be a community organizer, like our president, instead of a governor, like Pontius Pilot. Oh well!

    As always, thanks for your posts.

  4. perhaps planned parenthood was able to expand to a juneau location using all the donations they received in SP's name? (giggles loudly!) remember that campaign to make them on her behalf so they'd send her a thank-you card?

    read about it here at huffpost:


  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Keep your Snark-O-Meter on, please! I love it!

    SP spoke VERY dismissively about the people who gave money to Planned Parenthood in her name. (I was one.) But we know what she thinks: Killing wolves from airplanes, good; killing sperm, bad.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Why would the Palins or anyone who has morals and values go to a abortion mill like PP? That place is setup for a certain client, those who do not respect life.

  7. Anonymous6:49 AM

    ...except, of course, for the women who go to Planned Parenthood to get contraception, to avoid unplanned pregnancy in the FIRST place.


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