Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There's a part two?

Okay so I just watched the second part of this Greta-Palin lovefest.

My first impression is that it was somewhat less uncomfortable then last nights freak show, but still oddly disconcerting.

When Governor Palin finally tore herself away from the klieg lights to go hang out on some frozen river (I have no idea what that was supposed to indicate. Ice fishing maybe? You know for that "Alaskan feel"), Bristol clearly relaxed and seemed much more comfortable and at ease.

I actually found myself interested in what she had to say. (And not just because I was waiting for her to slip up either. Well maybe a little.)

They brought Trig in for some reason (contrast perhaps) and encouraged him to touch little Tripp. Clearly Trig is very low functioning and did not seem interested in the other baby.

By the way I did read the comments on the thread after last nights show and I have to say I disagree with some who think this baby is not Bristol's. I believe that it is. The way she interacted with him was very maternal and natural. The REALLY interesting part is how much more maternal Governor Sarah is toward Tripp then she ever appeared to be with Trig. Almost like she was disappointed or unhappy with Trig, but very pleased with this new "normal" grandson.

I will post the videos from the show when they become available and provide some commentary as well. Though I have to admit it took me most of the day to recover from watching the first ones this morning.

And just to add insult to......well insult, I purchased that future best seller "Trailblazer: An Intimate Biography of Sarah Palin" today. I have started reading it, and will try to provide some opinions on it as I work my way through it.

I have no idea how long that will take me, I guess it all depends on how often my eyes start bleeding.


  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    EEEEkkkkkk, I just cannot believe "you spent your hard earned money" for that book. LOL, just had to say it. Looking forward to what it has to say. I didn't know there was a 2nd part either so I missed it. IMO, BP sucks as an advocate, she is too mousy, needs to be more aggresive to be one but I guess sarah being her mother, doesn't give room for her to have/form her own opinions. I feel bad for her and her siblings to have such an uncaring, uncompassionate, no nurturing mother. You can see that in her by the way she holds and treats Trigg. I pray that Bristol gains the strength to be her own person. BTW, thought I read on someones blog in comment section that she went to live w/her aunt Wendy Palin in Glenallen. Sorry so long.

  2. damn, you bought the book? i want to know what it says, i don't want to spend money on the thing -i look forward to you pointing out anything that seems important in it. (i may break down and get it from the library.)

    about "part two"- it's interesting that you note that trig may be low-functioning (i think it's probably too early to tell from casual observation). i tried to comment on a different blog that it would not surprise me a bit if SP is not providing trig with special therapy at this point in his life, and is leaving his development "in god's hands." the other mods didn't feel this was an appropriate line of speculation.

    i have no proof at all the the palins aren't getting trig top-notch therapy to help him in these crucial first years of life while his brain establishes life long connections, they may be, and i hope with all my capacity to hope that they are.

    he deserves the chance to reach whatever his potential may be, no matter who his mother is. and seeing that SP claims to be his mother and has a really great government health insurance plan extending to her dependents, and a personal net worth estimated to be around $1 million, there is NO excuse for not providing him all available therapy.

    my sneaky suspicion is SP is treating him like any other child, if he ends up very low functioning (but actually could have been better adapted to mainstream life with intensive early life therapy) she'll just blame his genetics and appear blameless herself.

    i have special needs kids in my family (no, they're not my own) and watching the time and expense of their parents desperately trying to do everything in their power to help them, i know it's a HUGE part of their lives. so i find it odd that when directly asked -such as by greta- "how's trig?" they smile and say "awesome," then just move on. a much more normal response would be "he's great, we've got him working with X therapist/speech coach/etc. and he's learning all he can." normal IF he is receiving such services, that is.

    i hope my sneaky suspicion is wrong!

  3. while i, too, agree that Tripp is absolutely Bristol's, i think that two month old baby is rather smallish. like a month old baby. unless he was tiny at birth. i don't know. each kid grows at its own rate, but i did my own comparison with snaps of my boy, who was well within normal percentages, and Tripp looks small. so i'll agree with previous comments on the thread before last that he looks about 4-6 wks, if that.

    and hey, i think it's always good to arm yourself with a bit of insight into someone's perspection of reality. and while i am sorry you had to waste your money, it is good for the economy in some fashion. in the liner notes, does it indicate where the procedes of the book will go? like Sarah's PAC, for example. me, cynical? you betcha!

  4. Anonymous7:40 PM


    I have special software that analyzes reading material.

    I compared what you linked as Chapter 1 yesterday with numerous utterances by Palin.

    There is no statistical difference. She may be the ghost writer.

    In any case, if Chapter 1 is any example, the writing is...awful.

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I just watched whatever part of part 2 is on the foxnews website, and it seems to me like she had to keep pulling responses out of Bristol. She's ask a question, Bristol would give a one or two word answer, then look down at Tripp, if she even looked up at all. Sorry, but this doesn't lead me to believe that this was Bristol's idea- either that, or she was so angry about her mom taking over. And what was the deal with bringing in Trig- to talk about his age? Seriously, what was what I just watched? People really take that seriously?

  6. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Did anyone catch the business about Trig being the 9 month old uncle, ooops, they corrected it later and pronounced him the 8 month old uncle. If Trig was born last April, he's up to 11 months. If they meant the age difference between Trig and Trip, maybe we've all been thinking 9 months-- it's possible, why not?? Trig was born a little earlier than they said, and Trip a little later-- maybe??

  7. yeah, the trig age thing is very weird.

    a little while back SP gave an interview on the first ever airing of fox's new "glenn beck show" in which she said "here he's 8 months old, he got glasses!" at the time the interview was taped trig was just over 9-months-to-the-day, given his 4.18.08 announced b-day and accompanying pictures. it appeared SP either didn't know her own infant's age, or was referring to him getting glasses (which we have YET to see him wear...) a month prior when he was indeed 8 months old and her speech pattern was confusing (shocker, that!), or she was purposefully misstating trig's age to further cement in the publics mind that bristol couldn't possibly be the mother of both (she probably isn't, but based on cumulative palin baby weirdness "here, there be monsters" is not removed from possibility.)

    now greta and bristol get his age mixed up on a different fox program? what's going on? if this isn't a deliberate attempt to obscure the relative ages of the newest palin babies in the public's collective mind, then it's an example of greta doing NO research about her "story" and bristol being strangely out of touch with trig's age.

    sorry for the 2 really long comments in a row.

  8. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Just read the comments and I am just shocked (shocked I tell ya!) that ole Sarah is getting the ages of these boys wrong.

    The truth will come out at some point. I'm sure Levi Johnston's mother has a lot of info on Trig's birth and this could be why the FBI was sent to her to sell her some drugs. Hey, much better to have Big Mouth in jail away from the cameras! LOL

  9. Anonymous4:14 AM

    I have not seen part two...will wait until its posted. If Trig was born on 4/18/08, he should be exactly 10 months old, no?I mean it is February 18th, and this interview was just done four days ago! A DS baby who has received appropriate therapy since birth would usually reach developmental milestones by 10 months...reaching for things and people, babbling, squirming, sitting up on his own, and possibly crawling.

    Anyway, I have always been of the opinion that Trig was born earlier than 4/18, and I would bet your bottom dollar that Tripp is no moe than a month old.

  10. Your brain cells have my sympathy as you read through that piece of trash.

  11. Anonymous8:19 AM

    That baby is not Bristols, she does not show much affection as she showed with trigg. In all the pictures of sp on te vice presidential when the baby was with Bristol, she showed much more affection to to Trigg than she is showing with that baby. When sp gives her he baby she is actiling like someone just told her to hod someone else's child. she keeps looking at her mother to see if she is doing the right thing.

  12. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Please post what you think about the book after a couple of chapters. I am not about to pay for it, but I will go sit in barnes and noble with a cup of coffee for an afternoon and have a good laugh if you think it's worth the effort.


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