Sunday, February 01, 2009

Sarah Palin, and her toady Meg Stapleton, attend the Alfalfa club dinner.

Saturday night, Palin was whisked into the governors-and-Cabinet-members-only section of one of the capital's most exclusive parties: the Alfalfa Club dinner. Wearing an elegant black satin evening gown and a matching wrap, hair loose to her shoulders, Palin was about as far away as anyone can get from field-dressing a moose.

The outgoing president of the Alfalfa Club, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, teased Palin in a way allowable only by a fellow veteran of the vice presidential campaign trail.

"I was seriously being considered to be McCain's pick for vice president," said Lieberman, Al Gore's 2000 running mate and a former Democrat who campaigned for Sen. John McCain this year.

"But then John called me," Lieberman said. "As he always does, he got right to the point. He said, 'Joe, I can't do it. I need more than just a pretty face.' "

"I was so close. As close as Alaska is to Russia. You could almost say that from my doorstep I could see the vice president's mansion," he said.

Ha ha. God I hate Joe Lieberman!

I cannot help but wonder who exactly invited Palin to this event, and was it somebody who supports her or who just wanted the opportunity to use her as the butt of their jokes. According to Mudflats even Obama took a shot at our Governor.

Hmm maybe HE invited her?

Of course the most telling thing about this dinner was how fast Palin packed her bags and hustled out of Alaska, to once again get her name in the national media and leave all of the mundane tasks of being Governor behind her.

And don't think Alaskans have not noticed.


  1. Here's what my Senator sent out on Twitter from the dinner last

    "clairecmc The President just dropped the palin' around joke on Palin."

    Pretty funny...

    She tweeted through the

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Saw this online and laughed:

    Excerpt of the President's remarks tonight, they're cute:

    I am seriously glad to be here tonight at the annual Alfalfa dinner. I know that many you are aware that this dinner began almost one hundred years ago as a way to celebrate the birthday of General Robert E. Lee. If he were here with us tonight, the General would be 202 years old. And very confused.

    Now, this hasn't been reported yet, but it was actually Rahm's idea to do the swearing-in ceremony again. Of course, for Rahm, every day is a swearing-in ceremony.

    But don't believe what you read. Rahm Emanuel is a real sweetheart.

    No, it's true. Every week the guy takes a little time away to give back to the community. Just last week he was at a local school, teaching profanity to poor children.

    But these are the kind of negotiations you have to deal with as President. In just the first few weeks, I've had to engage in some of the toughest diplomacy of my life. And that was just to keep my Blackberry. I finally agreed to limit the number of people who could email me. It's a very exclusive list. How exclusive?

    Everyone look at the person sitting on your left. Now look at the person sitting on your right. None of you have my email address.
    It's so nice to laugh with a president instead of at him.

  3. My, Sarah is quite the hypocrite. I recall during the campaign she touted that she wasn't "one of those Washington elite going to cocktail parties". She oughta be hangin with those folks from Emmonak and helpin em out.

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I was wondering what happened to Meg "You can't handle the truth" Stapleton...

    Now I wonder:
    - who is signing her paycheques these days
    - how much she is being paid
    - what her new 'role/position' with Palin is?

    Maybe they are just good ol' gal-pals :-)

    Me and my darn curiosity, gosh darnit.

  5. Malek is shown in this video walking in with Palin. He has distinctive features and can be clearly seen in the last few seconds of the video waving his hand. Why would Palin lie about being his guest? except of course, that he is a very unsavory fellow...

    And by the way, why does Bad Sarah hustle up the stairs in such an unladylike "me first" way?

  6. check this out:

    she sited the need to stay in ALASKA to tend to state issues....what a crock of SHIT!

  7. Helen asked:

    "And by the way, why does Bad Sarah hustle up the stairs in such an unladylike "me first" way?"

    Because Helen, in Sarah's world she is ALWAYS FIRST!

  8. Lol Gryphon

    yes, First among Elitists even!

  9. oops, that's Gryphen ~


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