Saturday, January 31, 2009

It is not just Palin mystery babies that nobody gets to see, it is also Palin e-mails.

The Alaska Democratic Party says the state's repeated delays in providing public records it has asked for involving Gov. Sarah Palin are "excessive and unwarranted."

The state notified the Democrats earlier this week that it would likely need until the end of March if not longer to provide records first requested more than four months ago, on Sept. 22, during the heat of the presidential campaign when Palin was the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate.

In the request, Alaska Democratic Party chairwoman Patti Higgins sought Palin's schedules and calendars between Jan. 1, 2007, and Sept. 15, 2008. The Democrats also sought various categories of e-mails for about the same time period, including:

• All those between Palin and state Rep. John Coghill, R-North Pole, or between Palin and state Sen. Fred Dyson, R-Eagle River, with the words "abortion" or "AGIA," which is short for the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act;

• All e-mails from Palin containing the following words: babysitter, childcare, McCain, Obama, Democrat, Huckabee, Wal-Mart, Eskimo, Natives, Kuwait, passport, Ruedrich, or Kopp;

• All e-mails between Palin and her husband, Todd, with any of the following words: vote, veto, budget, oil, Monegan, or Wooten; and

• All e-mails between Palin and her sister, Molly McCann, with the words Wooten or Monegan.

I am very intrigued by some of the keywords that the Democrats are looking for in these e-mails. "Babysitter", "childcare", "abortion", it just creates any number of scandalous scenarios in my mind.

And then when you consider some of the other keywords, like "Monegan", "Wooten", "Kopp", "Tibbles", and "AGIA", well it begins to look like the possibility of Mt. Redoubt erupting is not likely to be the most earth shattering event headed Alaska's way.

Sarah Palin cannot possibly believe that all of this will simply blow over, and when it finally erupts onto the front pages of newspapers all over this country it is going to be the biggest scandal to hit Alaska politics in twenty years.

And when that happens I wish I could see the faces of every one of those Team Sarah people as they learn the truth about the woman that they been following and deifying all of this time.

(You can see a PDF of the Democrats request here.)


  1. I strongly hope you are right about the pending eruption; however, I become more convinced every day that all of the national media, even the so-called left wing outlets, have long ago decided that they are going to shove this God-given hillbilly down our collective throats, no matter what the cost to our once democratic nation. The blogs have been amassing a relentless stream of circumstantial evidence against this Alaskan disgrace, yet nothing ever sticks. We are so far beyond the obvious with all these issues that it is time to see the real villains in this story, all of the national media. I feel quite certain that every millionaire talking head on television will continue to offer her the national stage until she has pushed the button that blows us all to kingdom come. Their last words will be that they knew absolutely nothing. They never saw the explosion coming. They never heard a word about any witch hunters, missing babies, fake pregnancies, per diems at home, the AIP, high school dropouts, missing e-mails, Troopergate, Housegate, a $150,000 shopping spree, or any of the rest of the seemingly endless list. No, the arrogant millionaires at CNN had nothing to do with it. It was all the fault of Fox News. Limbaugh did it. Rove did it. It's time to wake up to the fact that none of these so-called journalists are innocent. Every one of them wants to see the Wasilla Witch in the news as much as possible, for as long as possible. Every time she's in the news, more of us watch and their contract prices go up. They have had more chances to discredit this dangerous abomination than any other politician in our lifetimes, but they have not done so. When are we all going to see that they are not exposing her simply because they do not wish to, and they have no intention of doing so in the future? Prove me wrong, CNN. I dare you. Kaboom!

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    ummmm...I noticed in the requesst, she spelled "Monogan"

    I thought it was "Monegan"?

    Would that mess up the search or no?

    also, WTH is "Tibbles"?

    I probably should know, but I'm drawing a blank.

  3. I hope you sent that TO CNN, Floyd.

    It would surely get CNN's attention if some of us sent a barrage of the array of strange "Palin pregnancy" pictures, the "-Gates", and the many positions she's taken and statements she's made that are outright lies.

    It's real easy to contact CNN; just go to the topic (Politics in this case) and find "Contact Us".

    (ha, ha, my word verification is "hatir"!)

  4. For those of you who don't understand the significance of "Tribbles" just go here:

  5. is it LEGAL for her to take so long? is there a resonable expecation of time? it seems like she's going to hold out until as close to her expected run for reelection, where she'll bow out and then everyone will cease to care about those darn emails. before that happens...


    SLIGHTLY off topic: i am sure you're following all of the DC reports that Palin is up there grovelling for the stimulus money with a few other high profile GOP govs. makes me wonder why she slimmed down the budget. do you think she was positioning it such that Begich and Murkowski would take a week figure to DC and then she'd ride in (as it has been reported she did with the Army reinstating funds for the AK native reserves) and save the day for Alaska? is she bolstering her political street cred?

    i don't know, Gryphen. it stinks. stinks bad. and i don't know why, but my spidey sense tells me you don't want to cross Lisa...something in the look of her eyes....

  6. From Mudflats:

    Under the Public Records Act, public records are supposed to be provided within 10 working days of being requested, or as soon as practicable.


    PalinPics4Truth: The REAL story 1 pixel at a time! has been offline for some time now. Morgan got an anonymous threat of a law suit in one of her previous posts... I hope it's just an internet glitch and not something more sinister.


    SP didn't wear a corsage for the Alfalfa Dinner. A video of her entrance is already on YouTube.

  7. Re: PalinPics4Truth.
    It wasn't a glitch, there was one last post:

    Hello all,

    I have received one too many threatening comments about this blog. As much as I am committed to this case being resolved once and for all, it is not fair to my family for me to possibly put them at risk. I think, and am hopeful that threats are idle and there is no real intention behind them...but I of course cannot put my family's safety in doubt by thinking, betting on, or hoping that there is not someone out there who was made a little too angry by this blog.

    The web site will also be taken down and the e-mail account closed. It truly breaks my heart to do it- I could not explain how much. I sincerely hope the best for all of the wonderful people I corresponded with and hope that eventually there will be a climate change and I will be able to speak freely without fear worry of my family's safety.

    My best to you all!
    11:22 PM | Morgan

  8. i have a sadz! Palinpics4thruth is shutting down due to threatening emails! Waahhhhh!!

  9. as I remember, the email/comment with the "court of law" threat, seemed to have come from Wasilla?

    I think the person later claimed a typo or something?

    anyway, all I see there now is the "Offline" post.

    now, I'm going to refresh my failing memory/fuzzy brain cells on the "Tribbles". Thanks Gryphen, for the link.

  10. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Floyd, my man, you are so right. How many "gates" does this woman have to be involved in before the rest of Alaskan governement starts impeaching her? Now we have added "Email gate" to the ever growing list.

    I do confess that I am a rubbernecker when it comes to the trainwreck that is Sarah Palin. She's so tragic, I can't help it. I guess I keep thinking that she can't possibly get any worse, but with every week a new scandal comes out. Now, I am more concerned that she is still a sitting governor of a state with citizens who deserve better.

    I said it in Mudflats...when her democratic opponent for gov is determined I will donate whatever I can to his/her campaign...even use my cell minutes to make campaign calls, whatever to make sure she never holds elected office again.


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