Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mt. Redoubt ash falls on Anchorage. Cough cough cough!

The sky over Anchorage started to darken around 5:30 p.m. as an ash cloud from an eruption of Redoubt volcano two hours earlier drifted in from the south. Ash was soon falling in south Anchorage, and the ashfall spread north as the cloud thickened, bringing with it a whiff of sulphur.

We knew it was coming, we just did not know when. Well when is now.


  1. FEDUP!!!7:51 PM

    Make sure you cover your cars' air-intake filter with a pantyhose or stockings!
    We did that when Mt. St. Helens erupted, and the cars were able to stand the super-fine ashes! (Needed to clean/replace the pantyhose quite often, because it would get clogged up fast).
    Also, wear a facemask...

    BE SAFE!!!

  2. definitely, do whatever you have to do, and STAY SAFE!

  3. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I was just talking to someone in Anchorage who had to be out and about while the ash was in the air. I can sympathize, living for weeks with the smoke from the bushfires - but at least our smoke smells of eucalyptus, while yours smells of sulphur. pew!

    Aussie Blue Sky (not Anonymous)

  4. Bones - ANC10:13 PM

    Oh well, an act of nature.
    Thank heaven i/we don't live closer.

    But, AKM is rising like a phoenix with a legion of fans behind her!

  5. Anonymous10:28 PM

    We're out here in the Valley watching this massive, dark, ominous cloud of ash take over the evening sky - sat in the hot tub with a fire on the lake and the deck, sipping Pinot and marveling...

  6. Anonymous10:52 PM

    We moved to southwestern Washington state after Mount St. Helens blew her stack, but I still see her rising tall and proud (and rumbling), albeit "headless", in the background whenever I drive to our local mall.

    Please be careful and take care of yourself and your daughter!



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